I was just going through some pictures and I thought I'd post this. This is the engine I used on our canoe when I was young. I put a lot of hours on it because it wasn't particularly fast and some of my friends lived several miles down the lake. The canoe wasn't stable with just the motor and I unless I put a sandbag in the front.

I also had an Evenrude 12 and a 16 foot wooden boat but this was more affordable to run. It probably cost me about 10 bucks a season in gas (quite a bit back then) and my dad popped for the oil. I made money by picking bottles out of the ditch.

A friend of mine had an Evenrude 3 and a 10 foot aluminum boat. With my 12 on his aluminum boat, we could trick ski if we did a dock start (no spotter... ). If I find pictures of Pete and I skiing behind the aluminum boat, I'll post them. I seem to recall being a little lighter then. We were poor but we had a good time.

<img src=http://www.accesscomm.ca/business/bds/TAB/mite.jpg>