Honeywell Unveils New Flow Battery Tech. For RE Storage


Honeywell has introduced a new flow battery technology that works with renewable energy sources like wind and solar to address the need for long-term energy storage.
The innovative flow battery employs a non-flammable electrolyte that transfers chemical energy to !important]electricity in order to store energy for later use while achieving utilities’ environmental, lifespan, and safety .
Honeywell’s innovative technology can store and discharge power for up to 12 hours, outlasting lithium-ion batteries, which can only discharge for 4 hours. The battery is made of recyclable materials and will not deteriorate over time. It preserves system performance, ensuring a dependable and cost-effective system for the next 20 years.

In 2022, Honeywell will [COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]deploy[/COLOR] a 400-kilowatt-hour (kWh) unit to Duke Energy’s Mount Holly plant. If the battery is deployed at scale, it will lessen Duke Energy’s reliance on fossil-fuel power plants by harnessing solar and wind.
These renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly cost competitive with traditional [COLOR=#1B8EDE !important]fossil fuels[/COLOR], accounting for more than 70% of new power output. Honeywell intends to launch a utility-scale prototype project of 60 megawatt-hours in 2023.