08-19-2001, 10:11 PM
4th ECDBA race. We need help setting up to race. PA
system, the course etc. Please be registered and
weighed-in by 11:30. Driver's meeting 12:00 sharp.
Spectators want to see the show and go; let's be as timely and efficient as we can be. The same few seem to do it all.
What would we do without Aubrey? (weigh-in, scales, finish line judge, racer, etc.) Please pitch-in and help. Need a good ramp manager. Get the classes in the water and check
mid-track water conditions. 252-752-7880, 9602(fax) Bruce 252-638-1526 (Tommy Dunn)
Tickets for '95 HD Electraglide Classic still available
system, the course etc. Please be registered and
weighed-in by 11:30. Driver's meeting 12:00 sharp.
Spectators want to see the show and go; let's be as timely and efficient as we can be. The same few seem to do it all.
What would we do without Aubrey? (weigh-in, scales, finish line judge, racer, etc.) Please pitch-in and help. Need a good ramp manager. Get the classes in the water and check
mid-track water conditions. 252-752-7880, 9602(fax) Bruce 252-638-1526 (Tommy Dunn)
Tickets for '95 HD Electraglide Classic still available