View Full Version : Not So

07-25-2020, 09:38 PM

07-26-2020, 05:41 AM
Now Mr Cuda you never answered the question I asked on another post so here is your chance again.
Name a City or Major Area that is under Democrat rule that is not Broke and Crime infested ? And if you cannot why is that ?
Thanks Sir,


SS Minnow
07-26-2020, 06:38 AM
Now Mr Cuda you never answered the question I asked on another post so here is your chance again.
Name a City or Major Area that is under Democrat rule that is not Broke and Crime infested ? And if you cannot why is that ?
Thanks Sir,


Cooder is not one for independent thinking, or for that matter, any kind of original thought at all. He is the typical Democrat lemming. He only thinks what he is told to think by his Democrat overlords. Quite sad, honestly.

The closest he will get to independent thought is linking some youtube videos or news articles that tell you what to think, but he will never form an opinion about them. Sad, I guess? Not sure. Glad I am not like that, though.