View Full Version : Fat Old Guy Builds a Pool....

07-12-2020, 04:13 PM
and deck.

So, in an earlier life I did construction and we built some killer decks.
Always said I was going to build a deck from hell, for me.
Never did.
Owned a couple of places that were primo for them but no.

Maybe add a pool to it?
My bro in-law had an above ground pool built in his back yard 30 yrs ago.
And he still uses it every day.
Replaced the liner once.
5 yrs ago.

My wife and I spend a lot of our free time there. Her brother.
The more I looked at his, the more I decided it was just a wood box w/a plastic bag in it.

So after my wife and I did some math on hiring contractors, 2 months ago I quit my sales job and put on my tool belt.

All of the pool equipment is in my garage and waiting.

Part of this is a gamble.

I don’t relax very well and only do it at two places.
Our boat in the Lake Erie islands or at her brothers pool floating on a raft listening to Zac Brown, Jimmy Buffet etc.

If this works, with what we save from not running the boat, we should be rich in a few yrs.

07-12-2020, 04:33 PM


SS Minnow
07-12-2020, 05:19 PM
Hey, you're not old :)

Yeah, nice pool and deck. Never seen a frame with wood, but hey why not. In my younger days I put in a few above ground metal frame pools. One we sunk about a foot and a half into the ground. Right now I live a stones throw away from Lake Michigan about a half dozen beaches, so putting in a pool and doing all the maintenance is just not going to happen.

07-12-2020, 07:47 PM
Don't see no permit tacked nowhere. How you gonna no if'n you done it right without the inspector comin' round ta check everything, every step o the way??
(sarcasm) Does look good though.

07-12-2020, 08:09 PM
...and the boat was sooooo cloooose to be'n done...lol.;) better build the big bbq your gunna need fer all the kinfolk when they tranfer from their house ta yers, and stock up the freezer wit hot dogs, chicken, burgers & steaks. when exactly will it be dun?:D ...you could also dig a shallow skating ring to empty the pool water into, next to the pool, before the big freeze. everyone will enjoy that too.

07-13-2020, 01:08 AM
Good for you, hope it all goes swimmingly well for ya.:thumbsup:

07-13-2020, 05:43 PM
Thx guys!
So far so good.

The last 2 wks have been mid/high 90’s and 90% humidity.
Absolute bitch to work in.
2nd 1/2 this wk goes back to same.
I remind my Ohio friends who bitch about Fla’s heat that many times, our summers are hotter than Fla’s.
Weve been drinking 2 gls water a day and not peeing!

The good is, my wife sees what we’re going through and is very .........., accepting of what I decide to do.
My helper took the first 1/2 the wk off to go play at the lake so I’m sneaking out to the barn ��

I have to be careful though cuz I know when the boats close, nothing else matters and I am on a mission.

First mate ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.

07-13-2020, 09:36 PM
Nice open, flat yard hard to find that over here in CT...Pool looking good what are your plans for a liner?

Forkin' Crazy
07-13-2020, 11:48 PM
Very cool! Have you seen the pools made from shipping containers?

07-14-2020, 06:11 AM
Not but seen everything else built out of them.

Aaron, that was the challenge.
Went through several pool supply houses before finding one willing to help me, due to building it myself.
When I finally did, they were great.
First they said the liner would be a custom then when transferred to that guy he said no issue, I was actually building what used to be a popular kit.

One issue was not being able to identify type/style of beed that holds top of liner into track.

Their guy sold me the matching track for the liner.
They sold me everything but the heater which was NLA.

I found and ordered that yesterday.

Our twin 6 yr old grandsons informed grandma that they want a slide.
Grandma then informed me, the pool will have a slide ��

I’m anxious to finish the pool and focus on the deck.
The deck was the vision, the pool was added.

Very cool! Have you seen the pools made from shipping containers?

07-14-2020, 12:57 PM
Thx guys!
So far so good.

The last 2 wks have been mid/high 90’s and 90% humidity.
Absolute bitch to work in.

You don't have to tell me I just finished my truck repair, from my accident, yesterday. Now gotta go to the State Troopers office tomorrow to get them to inspect and approve it to be able to drive it on the road again.

Li'l Toy
07-14-2020, 11:32 PM
Don't. Ever. Not. Run. The. Boat!!!

07-15-2020, 07:30 AM
While Cheryl wasn’t watching...., I snuck to the barn and:

Final mount/bolt motors to jack plates

Worked in motor graphics

Working on boat/trailer logos to match motors

Oil tanks mounted


She did suggest we sell that boat and I told her I plan to be buried in it.
Cheryl said, we’ll need bigger cemetery plots ��

Don't. Ever. Not. Run. The. Boat!!!

07-28-2020, 08:27 AM
Some headway.

Even though we just ran out of material again, and all the stores are out.

Sides of pool are done, close end is still open so I can dump sand in for bottom.
Framed around the hot tub and started that area of deck.

Set posts yesterday for the lower deck portion.

Also, finally found/rec’d the heater.

This thing is way bigger in real life than it was in my head!
I think we could land a helicopter on it and hold bike races (board track!) around it.
You need a drone to see the whole thing!

And weather is still 90 and 90!
And I’m no longer fat.

07-28-2020, 08:56 AM
You could start a frog or turtle racing association and hold them on you pool deck.

07-28-2020, 03:41 PM
Starting to come together enough I think you can see my vision.

Permit guy came around last week and asked for my blue prints.
I handed him my one page, 5” x 7” free hand over view (which I can no longer find) and he looked at it, and asked if that was it?

Told him I work from a vision in my head.
He shook his head and and took my check.
Lucky to live in the county I do.

We used the scraps of the 5/4 decking and built a platform for all the pool equipment.

Will be adding, bar, kitchen, benches etc.

The deck around the pool gets sun from about 9 AM till sunset.
One of the reasons I built the deck so big is to be able to chase the sun around it in a chase lounge. (even though I’m sick of it now)

For shade, Ill buy 3 good umbrellas w/tilting heads, then drill holes every 10’ in the deck and mount a pc of pipe for a socket, to the joists bellow to accept the umbrellas wherever you want them.

Music etc, etc...

07-30-2020, 10:32 AM
How did you determine the structure needed for the waters forces against the sides?

07-30-2020, 07:09 PM
Found my blue prints.

Xstream, I didn’t. I copied my bro-inlaws then added to it.
Look at some of the above ground pool kits.
Aint what we think.

07-30-2020, 07:20 PM
...can't help ta think about all that nice lumber out over the water on a lake as a dock...;)https://www.screamandfly.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=470654&d=1596154161

07-30-2020, 07:23 PM
...oh, i think i see your boat tied up to the outside there too...

mr fun
08-01-2020, 01:15 AM
which end is the high dive going on ? like how you made room for the wet t shirt contest :rolleyes: ;) :D

08-01-2020, 07:17 AM
Yesterday’s progress.....

The lower level of deck is 18’ x 18’ and what I planned as the deck proper.
Pool surround will be many things such as walkway, pool entry, will have a slide for the twin 6 yr old grandsons, pool toys etc.

Lower deck will have grill, bar, benches etc.

Had 60 5/4 x 6 x 10’s and 40 2 x 6 x 8’s delivered mid day Thursday and ran out of material yesterday.

Have now been through 70 lbs of screws!

I built two platforms for pool equip.
One for pump, filter, chlorinator etc and one for heater.

Mocked it all up and think I have a handle on it.

Based on challenges procuring lumber, which I’ll order more of today, weve decided to attack the pool next wk.

Heres a cool lil tid bit about my helper:

He was recently let go from a well paying sales job, about same time as covid outbreak and having no luck on finding a new job.
Once I realized how massive a job I had started, the wife and I talked and decided to offer him the work.
Hes same age as me and understood the physical challenges of the work.
Told me yesterday, after working w/me for a month, he’s the lightest he’s been in 20 yrs ��

Yesterday next door neighbors had a metal roof put on their house.
As were on edge of “Amish country”, and we all know they’re superior craftsmen...., I told Kevin we should see if we could hang w/the 20 something yr old Amish boys work ethic next door ��

Happy to report we worked harder and took less breaks!
We both we’re geeked!

He and I went to school together and both started framing houses ( at same company) the day after high school graduation.
Before that, when I built my first hydro at 13, 3 or 4 of my neighbor friends/kids followed suit.
Kevin built a 8’ Minimax and hung a Mk 25 on it.

Our adult lives went different directions so it’s kinda nice to be able to catch up and help out an old friend.
Im not even charging him for the daily workouts!

08-01-2020, 07:27 AM
Permit guy came around last week and asked for my blue prints.
I handed him my one page, 5” x 7” free hand over view (which I can no longer find) and he looked at it, and asked if that was it?

Told him I work from a vision in my head.
He shook his head and and took my check.
Lucky to live in the country

Nothing like it ..first time I walked into to his office and actually had plans for a house he couldn't care less said as long as when he came to inspect it was up to code was fine.
He wasn't kidding next time I went in with another house , thought Id joke and bring in a napkin..he didn't even blink..he looked at it quick and said ok just let me know when the hole is dug and ready for inspection..
Get the feeling I wasnt the first..lol

08-02-2020, 08:53 PM
So in order to work tomorrow, while waiting on my lumber order from Lowe’s to show up on Weds I saw on Menards website that they had 5/4 decking in stock.

Grabbed the truck, drove the 1/2 hr to Marion to p/u the 60 5/4 x 6 x 10’s.
They did have them in stock which was a good thing, but when I was loading them they looked thicker than the “5/4” we had been using.
The 19 yr old Menards employee helping me assured me they were the standard size of 5/4 planking.
W/nothing there for comparison, I trusted their company expert and loaded the 60 pcs in the truck and drove the 1/2 hr home.

Y’all know the result.

Theyre 3/16” thicker than the bazillion planks already on the deck.


Called my helper and canceled work tomorrow and will take planks back tomorrow.

08-03-2020, 06:54 AM
Shame on you, shoulda went with your gut feeling when you first thought they “looked” thicker. BTDT. :cheers:

08-03-2020, 07:57 AM

W/my new found day off......., I get to return the decking then....., I think, move my latest two Fla donor/motor purchases from storage to the shop to dissect them and see if I won or lost.

Oh, and, Lowe’s just called to notify me my order due for Weds delivery......, delayed a wk.

Shame on you, shoulda went with your gut feeling when you first thought they “looked” thicker. BTDT. :cheers:

08-08-2020, 06:49 AM
Due to weather, only got 2 days on the deck this week but made the most of it.

08-08-2020, 07:06 AM
Very impressive, gator. What is the coating on the plywood sides? Also, do you have any coating on the bottom edge of the plywood as it sets on the ground, or maybe the plywood is setting on a treated 2x? Look great.

08-08-2020, 08:42 AM
Due to weather......i probably shouldn't say this...but having lived in the great white north...like joe has and others here...you better get a move on...or it won't be worth filling with water this year...:leaving:...freak'n plandemic didn't help things i know... pool's look'n good though. coming along "swimmingly"...;)

08-08-2020, 08:47 AM
Pool heater heavy solar cover and some insulation boards!

08-08-2020, 09:09 PM
The walls have a thin layer of foam under the liner for cushioning/insulation.
The floor also has a fiber material mat under it for protection/insulation.
The plywood walls don’t touch the ground.

3 tons of sand on the floor and it only contacts the foam on the walls.
Bro-in laws is 30 yrs old and original.

Mo, if all goes well, I expect it to be operational mid next wk.
Supposed to be back in the 90’s.

I have a propane gas heater (soon as I plum/wire it) for it which I only expect to use to heat up the water the first time then the solar cover will keep it warm till fall.

I bought the best solar cover they had and w/the pool being under direct sun light from approx 9 AM till about 5 (for now), my bro in law doesn’t expect me to need the heater again until fall.
When we put the liner in Friday you had to stand in the water or it would burn your feet and the water was also hot.

This winter it will be an ice rink for the twins ��

Very impressive, gator. What is the coating on the plywood sides? Also, do you have any coating on the bottom edge of the plywood as it sets on the ground, or maybe the plywood is setting on a treated 2x? Look great.

08-09-2020, 03:59 PM
put some foam in between the liner and outside frame. really helps with the heating. or at-least on the outside of the liner.

08-14-2020, 07:29 PM
The challenge continues.

My trick of ordering from Lowe’s on-line worked.

My third order ($1300) did not.
Showed as a wk and a half out.
Was due to deliver last weds, but did not.

Spent a 1/2 hr on phone being being transferred and being put on hold before giving up.

Today I had to go to Marion (1/2 hr away) anyhow so called the Lowe’s 800 # while pulling out of garage, put it on speaker and headed that way.
Arrived in Marion still on hold.
Hit a drive through for lunch, ate in my car, still on hold.

Left there and drove to the Marion store and hung up my phone after being on hold an hr!!!!!!!!!

Spent a 1/2 hr at cust Svc in that store finding out that the store my order got transferred to......, had a manager that decided that due to demand....,he wasn’t shipping any pressure treated lumber!
First come, first served!

Let them know my angst in this decision...., and left.
Didnt notify me, no notice etc!

Told me they had people coming from all over the state to find lumber.

While there I saw a fresh bundle of 5/4 decking so on e home I ordered it on line for store p/u like they told me.
15 mins later they called to say someone just bought it!!!!


**** LOWES!

08-14-2020, 08:14 PM
Wow, not quite that bad here in NC. Haven’t heard of any shortages like that.

08-15-2020, 01:48 AM
The challenge continues.

My trick of ordering from Lowe’s on-line worked.

My third order ($1300) did not.
Showed as a wk and a half out.
Was due to deliver last weds, but did not.

Spent a 1/2 hr on phone being being transferred and being put on hold before giving up.

Today I had to go to Marion (1/2 hr away) anyhow so called the Lowe’s 800 # while pulling out of garage, put it on speaker and headed that way.
Arrived in Marion still on hold.
Hit a drive through for lunch, ate in my car, still on hold.

Left there and drove to the Marion store and hung up my phone after being on hold an hr!!!!!!!!!

Spent a 1/2 hr at cust Svc in that store finding out that the store my order got transferred to......, had a manager that decided that due to demand....,he wasn’t shipping any pressure treated lumber!
First come, first served!

Let them know my angst in this decision...., and left.
Didnt notify me, no notice etc!

Told me they had people coming from all over the state to find lumber.

While there I saw a fresh bundle of 5/4 decking so on e home I ordered it on line for store p/u like they told me.
15 mins later they called to say someone just bought it!!!!


**** LOWES!

That's just messed up!

08-15-2020, 07:46 AM
There are four Lowe’s stores within 30 mins of our house.

The most any have of the 5/4 decking is 45 pcs (showing on line) and I just bought all of them for store pickup. Now I’ll wait and see if they process it or not.

Interesting that some stores have 10’ pcs at $8 per and some are $11.
Doesnt sound like a lot but multiply that times the 120 we’ve been through and the 45 I just ordered!

To add insult to the equation, the 2x6x10’s are at a store a 1/2 hr west of me.
So an hr round trip.
Drop them off at home then head a 1/2 hr east to pick up the 5/4 planking.

Looks like I spend the day in the truck.


Forkin' Crazy
08-15-2020, 11:14 AM
WTF??? Now I have another reason to favor Home Depot.

The other is the co-founder of Home Depot is a Trump supporter! :cool:

08-15-2020, 01:46 PM
Ken Langone is the other, and also a Trump fan.

You would love his book, “I love Capitalism”.

I couldn’t put it down.
A great read about a guy w/huge balls that risked it all and won.

WTF??? Now I have another reason to favor Home Depot.

The other is the co-founder of Home Depot is a Trump supporter! :cool:

08-23-2020, 11:07 AM
Pool is finished, filled, functional and Labrador approved.

Deck progresses as lumber becomes available.

SS Minnow
08-23-2020, 06:33 PM
Congrats on finishing it, kind of. I remember reading one of your posts way back when you got 5/4 boards that were 3/16's thicker then what you had already. It just made me think, what a perfect excuse to buy a planer (I already have one), or just use the boards on a different section of the deck. I know you had your reasons, not questioning your ability.

In 2013 I built a raft and pier with treated 5/4 and I am already seeing that I will need to replace boards in the near future. I step on them and they flex quite a bit. Since I am the heaviest one using the pier, I just make it a point to keep my weight over the floor joist (since this is a boating site, call it the stringer) and this works. Unfortunately I am the only one mechanically inclined that walks that pier, so it is only a matter of time until they will need to be replaced.

Lumber quality today is crap. The last time I had a good lumber delivery was in Corpus Christi in winter of 2013. Built a deck and there was not one board that was not straight. I was surprised to see this beyond all get out. Not one bad board. I wonder what that deck looks like now.....

08-23-2020, 06:42 PM
SS, I have a planer too but 60 sticks 10’

Who knows what the future will bring though.
Stack I got last wk was $3 per stick more than where I normally get it.
Times 80 sticks (that trip) + tax so, figure an extra $250 for the privilege of driving a 1/2 farther than the store that was out.

08-23-2020, 07:04 PM
Unfortunately don't expect it to get better...

SS Minnow
08-23-2020, 07:06 PM
Yeah, I hear you. Although I kind of wish I had 3/16" thicker boards now that they are all dried out from the sun.

Do not even mention the prices, it makes me cringe. Glad I have no major projects going on, but worry about my future. While I am ready to retire, my checkbook keeps telling me that I am not.

08-23-2020, 07:14 PM
I'm only 35, planning to work until I die. Maybe one day I will be able to afford a boat fast enough to put myself out of my misery...

SS Minnow
08-23-2020, 07:23 PM
I'm only 35, planning to work until I die. Maybe one day I will be able to afford a boat fast enough to put myself out of my misery...
You will work until you die, one way or another. I have gone from working sun-up until near sun down depending on the time of year, busting my hump on crappy renovation projects to taking a walk in the morning to watch the sun come up over the lighthouse and talking another walk at the end of the day just because. I fill in the day with mowing lawns, repairing screens, or whatever maintenance is required at my rentals. Occasionally I take the boat out. I should take the boat out more, but in my defense I have not had the bike or vette out this year, and I have had plenty of time.

Funny how you want all these toys when you are young and ambitious, and then you get them when you are older and it is like, meh,,,,,,,maybe tomorrow.

08-23-2020, 08:34 PM
I don't consider myself young or ambitious!

08-23-2020, 08:48 PM
I try to enjoy the boats now because I won't be able to later. I'll have to get a turd churner if I make it to "retirement" age. My back and shoulder will not tolerate the go fast boats when I'm older...

09-19-2020, 07:02 AM
After 3 months, 20 lb weight loss, 200 lbs of screws, the deck is done.

Hope to start on railings next wk, and bar after that 🍺

Now hoping to get enough time on the Convincor to get it wet before winter.

09-19-2020, 09:15 PM
Looks great. Man, that’s a lot of treated wood. No wonder they kept running low, you were buying it all! Lol.

09-19-2020, 09:28 PM
...i don't like it there. can you move it about 10 more feet that way>>>https://www.screamandfly.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=473638&d=1600516832

09-19-2020, 09:29 PM

09-19-2020, 09:30 PM

09-19-2020, 09:30 PM

09-19-2020, 09:32 PM
...Next! The proper signage. "No Running!" lol

09-19-2020, 09:35 PM
That looks a hell of deal for family fun. I guess planting trees or a B.A. fence is next on the list-

Very nice job


09-19-2020, 09:35 PM
...and of course the infamous warning sign..."I Don't Swim In Your Toilet, Please Don't Pee In Our Pool!" :smiletest: Looks great so far:thumbsup:

09-20-2020, 07:01 AM
Forgot the steps.

And thx guys!
Wasnt that big in my head 😂

Had some friends over last night and burned the scrap pile.
Pretty sure fun was had by all.

Forkin' Crazy
09-20-2020, 05:22 PM
Wow!!! I am impressed! Nice job, looks great!!! :cheers:

Me, no matter how many times I cut wood, it is always too short! :p

09-20-2020, 06:06 PM
...also known as the "S'More's Pile"...:smiletest:...https://www.screamandfly.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=473670&d=1600603245

09-20-2020, 06:15 PM
...hey fat old guy...don't forget the shark fin...at your age...thats what your suppose to do...;)...http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51i6r5ubC5L.jpg

09-20-2020, 06:24 PM
...and of course, when everyone's over & in the pool...you HAVE to slip a large doody(tootsie-roll) in the pool & play it up & eat it!...:D...https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CXwydUiUQAAS5gd.jpg

09-20-2020, 07:22 PM
Here's a few pool toys.
Bet CUDA secretly has one of these. ;)


This looks like fun.


And if ya wanna Rock out with your C**k out.


09-20-2020, 08:57 PM
One for cuda..... 473714

SS Minnow
09-20-2020, 09:39 PM
That turned out great man!!!!!!

All your hard work has paid off. Not many people have a set-up that nice right outside their door. Call me slightly jealous.

Here's to the good times to be had :cheers:

09-21-2020, 07:03 AM
Thx dude!

Our last house/yard was way better. Had privacy, trees for shade, elevation change etc.

But w/aging parents 2 hrs away....., you do what you have to do.

As to it being right outside...., it’s partially a social experiment for me too.

I don’t relax very well.
I only seem to be able to, either on our boat on Lake Erie, or at my bro-inlaws pool.

So we figured, if we build one, will it pacify me??
Save us a ton of $$$ if it works.
If it doesn’t, it’ll add to resale ��

That turned out great man!!!!!!

All your hard work has paid off. Not many people have a set-up that nice right outside their door. Call me slightly jealous.

Here's to the good times to be had :cheers:

09-21-2020, 07:05 AM
Already pee’d in my pool.

Because I can.

...hey fat old guy...don't forget the shark fin...at your age...thats what your suppose to do...;)...http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51i6r5ubC5L.jpg

09-21-2020, 07:07 AM
Thx Paul.

Been going to call you.
When I get bummed about unfinished projects, I think......, who do I know w/more unfinished projects 😂🤓🤪

Wow!!! I am impressed! Nice job, looks great!!! :cheers:

Me, not matter how many times I cut wood, it is always too short! :p

09-21-2020, 07:40 AM
Your pool looks great, a nice piece of craftsmanship

09-21-2020, 08:48 AM
Already pee’d in my pool.

...that's NOT how your suppose to do it Gary. you have to put water in it first...:rolleyes:

Forkin' Crazy
09-21-2020, 11:49 AM
...that's NOT how your suppose to do it Gary. you have to put water in it first...:rolleyes:

473750 473750 473750 473750 473751

09-21-2020, 06:37 PM
When I get bummed about unfinished projects, I think......, who do I know w/more unfinished projects ������

Probably me.

Lake X Kid
10-03-2020, 02:34 PM
My bro in-law had an above ground pool built in his back yard 30 yrs ago.
And he still uses it every day. Replaced the liner once. 5 yrs ago.

My wife and I spend a lot of our free time there. Her brother.
The more I looked at his, the more I decided it was just a wood box w/a plastic bag in it.

So after my wife and I did some math on hiring contractors, 2 months ago I quit my sales job and put on my tool belt.

I don’t relax very well and only do it at two places.
Our boat in the Lake Erie islands or at her brothers pool floating on a raft listening to Zac Brown, Jimmy Buffet etc.

If this works, with what we save from not running the boat, we should be rich in a few yrs.

"Knee deep in the water ..."
"Found my own kind of Paradise ..."


Forkin' Crazy
10-03-2020, 04:02 PM
Thx Paul.

Been going to call you.
When I get bummed about unfinished projects, I think......, who do I know w/more unfinished projects ������

Tell me about it. I live in a SNAFU world. I was working so much, before I was forced out of my job, that I didn't want to do anything on my day off, when I got a day off.

You should see the truck I ended up with trying to turn a dime on. I put less than 250 miles on it and the engine cratered. 8K later I have a Jasper rebuild in it. The crane stopped working on it... Now what?

Oh, don't buy a truck with a crane. The insurance is unreal!!!

Working on getting a shop built. Just when I started to get going this 'rona $hit hit the fan!

Oh, did I tell ya I bought another Youngblood? All I need now is a TX 19 and I'll have full set!!! 474460

At least the old Porsche runs and drives! :cool:

Forkin' Crazy
10-03-2020, 04:41 PM
Probably me.

I think I got ya! LOL!!! :o

10-03-2020, 06:10 PM

Just read through all of this - WOW - very impressed with your skills sir, that is absolutely beautiful. Wondering why they didn't go a little bigger on the pool size, but that's just the Monday morning Quarterback in me - Very nicely done.