View Full Version : Tell me one thing you have learned during this Covid-19 epidemic??????

Forkin' Crazy
04-04-2020, 05:18 AM
My toilet paper consumption per week!!! :D


SS Minnow
04-04-2020, 05:32 AM
Nothing. I always knew a majority of the general population were crazy, this just goes further to prove my theory.

I always knew the MSM were hell bent on destroying the current administration, and by any means possible. Again, the current situation only proves my theory to be correct.

I still do not know what my TP consumption is. Not too worried about it, yet. Doubt I will have to be. Will see.

Dave S
04-04-2020, 05:58 AM
Crazzy??? HeeHee...I knew I was ahead of the curve.....Now everybody is staying home and Drinkin....

SS Minnow
04-04-2020, 06:02 AM

Jim Gibbs
04-04-2020, 06:43 AM
Can't believe a damn thing the Chinese say. Of course, I knew that already.

04-04-2020, 07:13 AM
I was right about some of the people in my neighborhood the ones walking around with a full tyeck spray suit hood and full face respirator... Are bat**** crazy liberals..


04-04-2020, 08:05 AM
Don't rake your leaves cause you never know when you might need em'

04-04-2020, 08:14 AM
Toilet paper costs as much as ammo 1 sheet 1 round

04-04-2020, 08:40 AM
Rhubarb leaves are the best TP ever

04-04-2020, 08:41 AM
I learned that dark matter is probably a so far unseen sub atomic particle. Since I am sitting on my butt way too much working from home I have taken to daily walks. Sometimes I listen to stuff while I walk, Ted Talks, radio shows, Jay’s garage...

04-04-2020, 09:01 AM
REAL Covid 19 terror is getting on the scale after 3 weeks of "stay at home"

04-04-2020, 09:19 AM
They are running out of **** to report on the weekend morning local news. They say before you wipe your ass rub it on your arm to make sure you are not going to have a reaction! Hahah

Common sense but that isn't too common anymore

04-04-2020, 10:01 AM
I've learned that for a long time now I've been living like people are having to do since the virus. So there wasn't any adjustment for me.
I've also learned that as soon as this is over I gotta get out of the house more.:D

04-04-2020, 10:29 AM
I’ve learned that my wife is bat chit crazy and I’ve gotta get the f... outta here,I thought she was crazy/a nervous wreck during hurricanes, hurricanes got nothin on this pandemic (with a 98.5 percent recovery) I think we’re shutting down work after next week so I’m outta here heading to the river to start my new floating dock........ there will be peace at last

04-04-2020, 11:13 AM
I’ve learned that my wife is bat chit crazy and I’ve gotta get the f... outta here,I thought she was crazy/a nervous wreck during hurricanes, hurricanes got nothin on this pandemic (with a 98.5 percent recovery) I think we’re shutting down work after next week so I’m outta here heading to the river to start my new floating dock........ there will be peace at last

Wait you sure its your wife...JK..LOL
Yea amazing what this is doing to even some sane people
And Some people just can't handle being cooped up..
Definitely see another side of people luckily it's a minority around here..or just not seeing them

Luckily plenty to do in the garage (if it warms up hoping to get boat done too)..,more of a shop don't think there has been a car in there in over 15 years..
There's only so much tv and movies you can watch.
And running out if stuff that needs to be done on/in the house..

04-04-2020, 12:16 PM
Wait you sure its your wife...JK..LOL
Yea amazing what this is doing to even some sane people
And Some people just can't handle being cooped up..
Definitely see another side of people luckily it's a minority around here..or just not seeing them

Luckily plenty to do in the garage (if it warms up hoping to get boat done too)..,more of a shop don't think there has been a car in there in over 15 years..
There's only so much tv and movies you can watch.
And running out if stuff that needs to be done on/in the house..
Lol ya I might be loosing it too, u really take for granted everyday life until something like this comes around and turns everything upside down , can’t wait for that everyday life to return:cheers:

SS Minnow
04-04-2020, 12:41 PM
I thought this was supposed to be the best leaves to use. The shapes conforms to the nether region and the tail helps pick up any stragglers.
Just wet them slightly before use.


On the morning news it was announced that a town about 20 miles away was closing boat ramps on Lake Michigan. They will still allow fishing from the shore, for now but ramps will be closed. My town, (2 towns share state border) has half dozen ramps that I know of that will now be having people coming from 20 miles away. The shorelines are already packed, and the local police are warning that if people do not keep their distance, it is only a matter of time until they shut that down too. So, the boat ramps and shores will be closed here soon because people are idiots.

I was out the other night (in car, not fishing) and there were more people out then I have ever seen before at this time of the year. More people then you would see on a warm summer evening as it was only slightly above freezing then. I know people want to get out, but if they do not stay away from each other, they will completely ban it.

04-04-2020, 12:51 PM
Politicians at work... Close the boat(easily 6' apart) ramps but let people fish from shore.. like you said won't take long before that's closed

04-04-2020, 01:09 PM
I thought this was supposed to be the best leaves to use. The shapes conforms to the nether region and the tail helps pick up any stragglers.
Just wet them slightly before use.


On the morning news it was announced that a town about 20 miles away was closing boat ramps on Lake Michigan. They will still allow fishing from the shore, for now but ramps will be closed. My town, (2 towns share state border) has half dozen ramps that I know of that will now be having people coming from 20 miles away. The shorelines are already packed, and the local police are warning that if people do not keep their distance, it is only a matter of time until they shut that down too. So, the boat ramps and shores will be closed here soon because people are idiots.

I was out the other night (in car, not fishing) and there were more people out then I have ever seen before at this time of the year. More people then you would see on a warm summer evening as it was only slightly above freezing then. I know people want to get out, but if they do not stay away from each other, they will completely ban it.

The leaves remind me of story I read..
A woman decided to by one of the new replace your toilet seat w bidet. So she's orders one on Amazon gets it reads instructions etc installs it..
So she uses it and was surprised of the overly clean fresh sent and feel ,a little tingly but was fine. So she's beginning to feel a little to tingly and starting to itch. She goes to drugstore and while looking..she's normally a very polite person in public but the itching was getting so bad she would take being anally raped be a demonic priest if it would stop the itching..so she gets a few items goes home goes into the bathroom looks over instructions thinking she should have rinsed it first? She lifts lid and runs it and us surprised to see blue water??? She realizes she had Clorox tabs in the tank!!!
Not sure how the hell she hooked it up but..

Ok now I know you want to be clean but cloroxing your ass
Is a bit much!
I know anal bleaching is a thing but don't think that's how it's done

SS Minnow
04-04-2020, 01:23 PM
The leaves remind me of story I read..
A woman decided to by one of the new replace your toilet seat w bidet. So she's orders one on Amazon gets it reads instructions etc installs it..
So she uses it and was surprised of the overly clean fresh sent and feel ,a little tingly but was fine. So she's beginning to feel a little to tingly and starting to itch. She goes to drugstore and while looking..she's normally a very polite person in public but the itching was getting so bad she would take being anally raped be a demonic priest if it would stop the itching..so she gets a few items goes home goes into the bathroom looks over instructions thinking she should have rinsed it first? She lifts lid and runs it and us surprised to see blue water??? She realizes she had Clorox tabs in the tank!!!
Not sure how the hell she hooked it up but..

Ok now I know you want to be clean but cloroxing your ass
Is a bit much!
I know anal bleaching is a thing but don't think that's how it's done

There are a few things in this world that I do not need to know. This is one of those things.

Why a person would do something like that, assuming it is anything what it sounds like.

Update, I looked it up. It is exactly what it sounds like.

And since I had to read it, you get to, too. Damn virus quarantine.

It's not just for Bridesmaidscharacters: Anal bleaching is gaining some serious traction. But is lightening your backdoor right for you (http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-love/bleach-your-butt)? And how can you tell if your esthetician's done a good job? Questions, questions.
We tracked down five women who've had the treatment to fill us in and share their tales from the deep:

"I watch a ton of porn (http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-love/true-porn), and there was this one video where the woman's butt was just so...dark. I started to wonder if that's what mine looked like. Since I was planning on getting a Brazilian (http://www.womenshealthmag.com/beauty/first-brazilian-wax) to prep before hooking with a new guy for the first time, I just asked the salon to add an anal bleaching treatment to my tab. It was like spring cleaning for my genitals and boosted my confidence in the bedroom big time. I don't get it done regularly, only for special occasions." —Liz B.

"My friend and I went to a spa and spontaneously decided to try it. The initial treatment wasn't so bad, but they sold us this at-home gel to maintain our butts (http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-love/womens-butts), and it didn't agree with me. Basically, it lit my ass on fire. I shouldn't have been surprised, since you have wear gloves to apply it. I should have realized that if it's bad for my hands, wiping it on my poor, unsuspecting booty was a bad idea." —Tiff H.

"I do it for aesthetic reasons. My boyfriend and I enjoy a lot of anal (http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-love/what-anal-sex-is-actually-like-from-women-whove-tried-it), and I just feel more comfortable knowing that I'm tidy back there. I started getting it done at the same place I've been getting my waxing done for years, so the process wasn't awkward at all. Luckily, I only have to go in twice a year for upkeep." —Naomi L.

"I scored a management position at work, and my bestie gave me a certificate for a free bleaching as a joke. But, I actually used it! The process was surprisingly quick and didn't hurt like I thought it would, though it was a little too, well,intimate (http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sex-and-love/intimate-sex-moves) for my liking. But, hey, there's nothing like starting a new job with a new butthole." —Maggie W.

"When it comes to grooming (http://www.womenshealthmag.com/beauty/fun-pubic-hair-styles), I've always been super-thorough. Pregnancy hormones threw my body out of whack, and one of the not-so-attractive outcomes I faced post-baby was a dark ass. So I took the DIY approach and bought some skin lightening cream from the drugstore. It was just weird. Since you can't see your hole, you have to tie yourself up like a pretzel to put the gel where it needs to be—and then stay that way for 20 minutes—as if it ain't no thang. I decided my ass can be whatever color it wants to be." —Nicole F.

04-04-2020, 01:31 PM
Haha.. learning more than you want during the lockdown huh..

SS Minnow
04-04-2020, 01:42 PM
I blame it all on Paul. Lousy thread starter.

SS Minnow
04-04-2020, 01:47 PM

04-04-2020, 02:06 PM
I blame it all on Paul. Lousy thread starter.

Yea Paul's been known to start some s***..
But I think it's usually the other person's fault.. .lol
It's those liberals starting ****. :leaving:

Forkin' Crazy
04-04-2020, 04:24 PM
I thought this was supposed to be the best leaves to use. The shapes conforms to the nether region and the tail helps pick up any stragglers.
Just wet them slightly before use.


Looks like poison ivy!!! :eek:

04-04-2020, 04:31 PM
Looks like poison ivy!!! :eek:

:eek::reddevil::leaving:. Sshhh don't let them know... It's liberal tp

04-04-2020, 11:45 PM
i now understand why my dog wants to run outside and not come back in after being cooped up inside all day.

04-05-2020, 02:15 AM
I've learned its way to easy to eat out of boredom, than actually being hungry, and I learned that Carol Baskin killed her husband lol.

SS Minnow
04-05-2020, 04:46 AM
Stay at home day 9, tip #3:

After you run out of toilet paper, use your fingers.

You are more likely to wash your hands, and less likely to touch your face.

You're welcome.

SS Minnow
04-05-2020, 05:09 AM
Don't be this guy:


04-05-2020, 05:57 AM
Don't be this guy:


NOT to be that guy!
NOT to shake his hand
NOT shake anyone's hand he's shaken
NOT to touch anything he's touched
That's just over the top disgusting he looks like at one point he's eating it just WTF who..what raised this guy.

SS Minnow
04-05-2020, 09:22 AM
Yeah, that video is, um, bad. Very bad.

Even worse is that he is in public it appears. Young guy walks behind. Person on bike goes by right next to him, and then two young ladies walk right in front of him. Talk about different people, different cultures. Well, they can keep their culture, wherever that is.

04-05-2020, 09:51 AM
Same "culture" as a lot of california now ------

Yeah, that video is, um, bad. Very bad.

Even worse is that he is in public it appears. Young guy walks behind. Person on bike goes by right next to him, and then two young ladies walk right in front of him. Talk about different people, different cultures. Well, they can keep their culture, wherever that is.

04-05-2020, 03:45 PM
That guy put the azz in N-ass-ty.