View Full Version : Social distancing

Forkin' Crazy
04-02-2020, 10:27 PM

Liberals are IDIOTS! :nonod:

SS Minnow
04-02-2020, 11:21 PM
Not that I am defending them or anything, but liberals were idiots long before this "social distancing" became a thing.

On another note, who comes up with these buzz words, or phrases? Social distancing? Way back in the day, we just called it staying the ef away from people. Quid pro Quo? You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Russian collusion? Are you that freaking stupid...wait, you're a liberal, so that was a rhetorical question.

04-03-2020, 04:33 AM
Yea that's liberal politicians for you... complete f morons
Yet they all scream that it's President Trump's fault or he's rasist wanting to close borders etc..or he was to slow to respond..smh..
Hey let them congregate let them all get sick(just sick not die) might teach them a lesson.. hopefully they will learn from it ....right,
good luck ever see them not blame someone else..

Forkin' Crazy
04-03-2020, 09:53 AM
Thanks to Fredo's brother, Retardo Cuomo!

4/2/20 NYC Subway: https://twitter.com/progressiveact/status/1245874480863416320



04-03-2020, 09:58 AM
Thanks to Fredo's brother, Retardo Cuomo!

4/2/20 NYC Subway: https://twitter.com/progressiveact/status/1245874480863416320



The idiot in his infinite wisdom cut the in service trains in half ?? Is he working for the virus or ??

Did he think to hard ,it must hurt his head...
That's not how you cut rider count in half l!!
Okay that would be an honest mistake.... For kindergartener or first grader

David - WI
04-15-2020, 07:14 PM
NJ governor (D) is on Tucker's show literally talking out his a$$... testing, vaccine, blah-blah... not going to open up the state until there are no new infections. Maybe June, maybe July, maybe not. WTF?

Arresting people sitting alone in parks or beaches, liquor stores are open, churches are closed... can't name any reason other than "out-of-state" plates in his state.

"Not concerned with the bill of rights... we have to keep people separated."

Tin Man 2
04-15-2020, 07:27 PM
Things are getting interesting here in Michigan,the Governor going a bit to far with her orders. you can buy Dope, Liquor and Lotto tickets, but not a gallon of paint or mulch for your yard. Stupid over reach by the halfwitt. Remember you can go boating if you don’t have a motor.

David - WI
04-15-2020, 07:35 PM
Thanks to Fredo's brother, Retardo Cuomo!

4/2/20 NYC Subway: https://twitter.com/progressiveact/status/1245874480863416320

Like ol' Gomer Pyle used to say, "Surprise, surprise!"

NYC's subways blamed as 'major disseminator' of coronavirus, MIT researcher says

04-15-2020, 09:35 PM
Kinda fitting for what is going on.


Dave S
04-16-2020, 02:43 AM
Stay home and Drink...…. Shessss…….Church was luke warm any way......vomit...…...

David - WI
04-16-2020, 12:40 PM
“Seems increasingly clear the people who have been so terribly, hysterically wrong about this - more wrong by the day - are not going to admit their mistakes, much less ask for forgiveness for the damage they've done," he tweeted. "They're just going to yell ‘The lockdowns worked.’”