View Full Version : The Prophet

03-28-2020, 10:52 PM
Bill Gates has been pushing for the need for years to have a task force devoted to developing a plan for much of what is going on, He donated 100 million and one of the teams is leading the effort to create drugs to stop covid-19




03-29-2020, 01:21 AM
Saying there are going to be re-occurrences of things that have happened in the past doesn't make him a prophet. It makes him observant.

03-29-2020, 07:00 AM
Dave did you watch that whole clip? did you watch it at all? and that's all you retained... really

What he said is EXACTLY what happen, IF we just spent just a little precautionary money to prepare and to have jumped on this and immediately started working on it this would never have happen, but no we were complacent and now are going to take a 6 to 10 TRILLION dollar hit, because of complacency.
It's said there is no money in such research so big pharma was not concerned, prepared, because no money to be made it's all about the bottom line at the next share holders meeting.

03-29-2020, 07:25 AM
Just yesterday... the clip below...

By the way, he just stepped down from the boards of Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway to focus on his philanthropic priorities which include global health and development, education and climate change.



03-29-2020, 07:54 AM
Bill Gates is a stone cold killer. Nothing he does is helpful to society. Only helps him in his realization of his own crooked agenda. Read up on agenda 201 buddy... Georgia guidestone, etc. He is but one of a large group of false prophets that make their insane visions come true thru manipulations and deceit. Who knows how many lives he has destroyed with his crazy greed and evil intent. He holds the patent for the corona 19 and def also has the vaccine that will "cure" it. His/their overall agenda is to "chip" all the people of the world. Will you receive the mark of the beast? I sure as hell won't. BTW, Soros partners/owns the wuhan facility this virus came from. The address is 666. Don't believe me? Look it up for yourself and be educated.

03-29-2020, 08:11 AM
Your truly SICK

03-29-2020, 08:13 AM

You worship the DEVIL

03-29-2020, 08:23 AM
You think that makes him a prophet?
This was talked and warned about decades ago about a viral pandemic that could wipe out a major portion of the population. But because people think they're invincible or just it's not happening to me or just think it can wait till tomorrow is why we weren't prepared as we should have been. And the fact that china waited to sound the alarm it spread faster and farther than it should have.

And with the short sightness of Dems PELOSI Schumer etc you really think they give a **** she can't string two sentences together and he's just a clown they've been in govt how long... They can't think two days ahead let alone years
They were more interested in getting the extra crap in the bill then thinking about the virus