View Full Version : Hydrostream I/O????

02-18-2003, 12:24 PM
Hi all, I am looking for info on Hydrostreams that came factory with an i/o. If anyone who currently owns a hydrostream, or anyone who knows of someone who has or had one. Please let me know. I would love to know the opinions on them!! Also may be interested in purchasing one, even with bad engine!!

02-18-2003, 12:33 PM
I saw Jim tucker built one once with a 460 and a Berkley pump. Wasn't real fast, but the Glastrons all headed for shore when it came out. This was in Hastings Ontario. Don't know if it still exists.

02-18-2003, 01:06 PM
This is what the AE-21 I/O looks like now....its a shame as someone should go offer Donnie Tucker some money for this. He has been saying for years that he is going to restore it...

This one had a Yammi 5.7 in it with Yammi Drive...went about mid 70's and was quite a site.

Those high Freebored I/O streams were cool too...only ever saw one...I forget what they were called but that had tall transoms and higher free

02-18-2003, 01:08 PM
From the Stern

02-18-2003, 02:07 PM
Now that would make a great project boat! If only I had more space, money and time!

02-18-2003, 02:37 PM
Vistas with I/O's?????

02-18-2003, 03:12 PM
My neighbor has one, and open bow vista with a small block chev/mercruiser. He ordered direct from Hydrostream when Howard was still building them in MN. Darn thing only comes off the boatlift one time a summer - maybe. Ive been after him to sell it to me, but he's pretty set on keeping it. It's the only one I've seen and Ive never seen him open it up. (he is however, about two years older than cornflakes- so maybe it scares him) I'll get some pictures of it if he's around this weekend.


02-18-2003, 04:02 PM
My first boat was almost a Vegas IO that was down on the Hudson in NY. It had a 4.3L v-6 and I do believe there are a few around. Keep looking.


02-18-2003, 06:42 PM
I have seen two of them, although it has been awhile, late 80's early 90's, the first was all white and had a merc 320efi with the SS drive, I believe it went over 80, heard a couple of years later that it was racing down near Portland OR flew off of a barge wake, stuffed and broke in half, the driver was alright but the boat was junk, the other was the red/orangle/yellow stripes with standard 350 merc I/O and is supposed to still be running around, but I haven't seen it in a while. I always thought someone should put a Blackhawk drive an one, maybe the new ZR drive and a 377 scorpion;) anyway, just rambling.....

02-18-2003, 07:21 PM
In 1979 i had a 20 footer with a berkley race pump,droopsnoot and twinturbo bbchevy,went 105-110,very fast,20lbs of boost,leaned it out and melted some pistons big time! I put a 481 chevy in it and went 90-92 all day. it was a great boat,pretty good in rough water,1 footers,haha,thats nothing nowadays and the pump had a 2inch scoop on the bottom to feed the pump and it did suck the boat down. It was painted up red and blue had a big eagle on the deck,and the guy i got it from said it was made for the 1976 bicentenial celeberation.I sold it to a guy in harrisburg Pa named john hall,a very cool guy that had a small collection of stuff.any screamandfliers seen it around out in Pa? let me know. i know its not about i/os but its a good story about a stream tripps

02-18-2003, 10:47 PM
That AE-21 is awesome. It would fit in my garage, I am sure of it...

wing nut
02-18-2003, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Tripps
In 1979 i had a 20 footer with a berkley race pump,droopsnoot and twinturbo bbchevy,went 105-110,very fast,20lbs of boost,leaned it out and melted some pistons big time! I put a 481 chevy in it and went 90-92 all day. it was a great boat,pretty good in rough water,1 footers,haha,thats nothing nowadays and the pump had a 2inch scoop on the bottom to feed the pump and it did suck the boat down. It was painted up red and blue had a big eagle on the deck,and the guy i got it from said it was made for the 1976 bicentenial celeberation.I sold it to a guy in harrisburg Pa named john hall,a very cool guy that had a small collection of stuff.any screamandfliers seen it around out in Pa? let me know. i know its not about i/os but its a good story about a stream tripps

AHHH!! THAT WAS MY DAD'S FRIENDS OLD BOAT!! omg.. my dad old me so many storiyes about that thing.. it was called the american rebel. i herd it had the 454 bored out big block chevy, twin turbo, custom exaust, and it put out 1200hp on the dyno. the guys name was paul (pauly).. do you have pics of the boat? or did you know the guythat sold it to ya?? id love to hear what happend to it or even see pics of it, im 16 now and i think he either sold it b4 i was born. but my dad said that boat hauled ass and had acceleration that would pin u in the seat. i think the boat was also orderd as a light weight boat from the factory... my dad was good friends with pauly and has the heads that were on that engine when the boat went 105+. the heads were bored out so much that they had to be re-welded. my dad has alot of stories about that boat.. lol, one of them was that one time (he wasnt there pauly told him this) there was a heavy guy in the passanger seat, when pauly hit the gas the pedestalbroke off and the guy landed back by the engine.. so pauly let off the gas and the guy came rolling foward and hit his head on the dash :)


02-19-2003, 12:05 PM
That ae-21 is awesome!! Whose is it? Where could I get more info on it? Is it for sale let me know!!!

02-19-2003, 12:07 PM
by the way...What the heck is a Yammi? Yamaha? Did they make their own outdrives too?

02-19-2003, 12:13 PM
by the way...What the heck is a Yammi? Yamaha? Did they make their own outdrives too?

02-19-2003, 12:24 PM
YES...Yamaha (Yammi)...built some stern drives for a few years in the late 80's early 90's

02-19-2003, 02:53 PM
I saw a Yamaha I/O and it was a chevy BB, kind of a light blue I think it was.

02-19-2003, 05:14 PM
For the Vegas i/o. Pretty bad shape though.

02-19-2003, 05:20 PM
Jeez Capt. Insane-o, what else do you have up your sleeve?


Here guys, have a smile and don't say I never did anything nice for you: http://www.qnet.com/~pontius//smile/smilelmp_1[1].htm

:confused: :confused: :cool:

02-19-2003, 05:28 PM

02-20-2003, 06:23 PM
Hey gottago247,your number should be 427 the number of a bbchevy,but yes it was exxtreamly fast,i knew paul,and joe the plumber i got it from in lindenhurst. my friend has some pics of it that ill have to get. we used to terrorize the OBI on sundays with it,they were the good old days.are you steve Gs friend in levitown? he had a 17 with a pump and bbchevy also. ill try to round up the pics tripps

wing nut
02-20-2003, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Tripps
Hey gottago247,your number should be 427 the number of a bbchevy,but yes it was exxtreamly fast,i knew paul,and joe the plumber i got it from in lindenhurst. my friend has some pics of it that ill have to get. we used to terrorize the OBI on sundays with it,they were the good old days.are you steve Gs friend in levitown? he had a 17 with a pump and bbchevy also. ill try to round up the pics tripps

my dad converted his vector to a jet, but never ran it.. he sold it b4. my fathers name is robert (robby, rob etc. lol) ill ask my dad if he knows steve G.


03-21-2003, 09:21 AM
I noticed on the Hydrostream.org website, that the Vegas Jet owner has just registered it.