View Full Version : Ken Warby Article

Mark C.
02-17-2003, 09:24 PM
Wired Magazine, March 2003. Sorry if this has already been posted, but did you guys see this article? Not just on Ken, but also the others trying to break the record as well. It is quite the article!!

02-17-2003, 10:36 PM
I read the article yesterday and it was very good. Can't wait to see what happens with the others challenging Warby. It's amazing how the three are all approaching 400 MPH speeds with three different opinions, from Warby's "old school" eyeballing approach to the ultra high tech computer controlled approach. Warby was at one end and second at the complete opposite end with the third somewhere in the middle.

Would definitely recommend reading it through, good article.

Ken Warby
02-18-2003, 11:36 AM

02-18-2003, 01:01 PM
"There she is," he says, opening the garage door to reveal his gleaming white boat sitting on a trailer. It is 28 feet long and fitted with an afterburning J-34 turbine capable of generating 6,000 pounds of thrust. He assembled it by hand. It cost $30,000 and is made of wood. It has no onboard sensors, no ejection seat, and no telemetry. And not a single line of its design emanated from a computer. "**** no!" he says, "I'm not into that stuff. I call it eyeball engineering, and I could drive it in a jockstrap and sandals!"

What the hell? The last time I saw the boat it had "Amigos Racing" as the major sponsor on the air intakes. What give mate? Hoo Roo to the Guru !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Ken Warby
02-18-2003, 02:12 PM
Balzy,dont worry,"AMIGO RACING", is still there.
Dave says he is comming here in May,to get it wet.
:D ;) :p :rolleyes: :eek:

02-18-2003, 02:22 PM
Oh-boy!!!:D Sounds like a road trip

02-18-2003, 02:55 PM

Ken Warby
02-18-2003, 03:24 PM
Get a print copy of "Wired" and look at page 114/115 ,you will get a 2 page color spread of the boat (with Amigos Racing on it) and its good looking builder.

:D :D :D :rolleyes: ;)

Scream And Fly
02-18-2003, 03:41 PM
Hey Ken!

What's it gonna cost me to get a small (really small) Scream And Fly decal on there?;) ;) ;)

I'm jealous of you amigos!!!


Ken Warby
02-18-2003, 04:05 PM
It cost the Amigos a heck of a lot,but "Wired"prints 930,000 copies.
How ever we can work a deal.
Scream and Fly stickers have been on the tow vehicle for over a year now.
Thanks to Balzy.
Send me a couple of stickers and I will see where they can fit.

;) ;) :rolleyes:

Scream And Fly
02-18-2003, 04:13 PM
Ken, you're the best!

You know, I've been trying to become an Amigo for a long time now, but I keep getting denied. I'm starting to develop a complex here! Balzy, care to comment?


Ken Warby
02-18-2003, 04:23 PM
Balzy will probably let you in when you beat me on water.
You will be and I will be out,trying to get back in.
He likes FAST boats and I am sure that ,he too,will have one ,one day.

:D :D ;) :p :rolleyes:

02-18-2003, 04:59 PM
Ken, with all due respect, a mental picture of you drivin' a boat in a jock strap and sandals is somewhere I don't want to go. Damn man, a speedo'd be bad enough.

02-18-2003, 05:05 PM
Balzy with a fast boat?????? .........................Naaaaaaaah, won't ever happen.

Ken Warby
02-18-2003, 05:16 PM
I said "I could" not that "I would".

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;)

Jeff "Yammer"
02-18-2003, 05:26 PM
The Canucks are all with ya too ...... mate !!

Ken .. check your E-mail !!


02-18-2003, 06:21 PM
Had a great time visiting with you last fall ken if the amigos are going in may i may join in for the ride

Take Care Eh!


02-18-2003, 08:59 PM
First off, Greg, I told ya a hundred times, somebody has ta die before we can make anyone an Amigo. There can only be THREE. Go watch the movie son ! Hell Ken isn't even a true fullfleadged Amigo. (Man that hurts to say that) he is a Charter Lifetime Member. Now that's quite an honor cause he is the only one in the world with that status. Ken there is another record you own, bet ya never even realized it did ya mate? Now Greg, Ken is right, if you can beat Kens record you got it. You can become the second charter member in the world.

Now on to you Racewoman, all I can say to you right now is I think I remember reading a post just the other day about this really cool looking STV that some putz down south owns that won't go over 65 or 70 MPH. Sound familiar?

Now Ken, I do have to agree with the Slowest STV drag boat owner in the world (Hey there is a record for you Raceman). Ken you in a jock strap and sandals is damn scary thought. In the boat driving or anywhere. I am just damn glad you didn't come out to the living room dressed like that last time Jeff and I were over. BTW, I didn't even think of it but when you put us up that night we didn't even go to the shed to look at the boat and Jeff has never seen it in person. How smart was that???????

You guys are the best. I am still LOL !!!!!!!!!

02-18-2003, 09:25 PM
Hey Balzy your memory slipping, I happened to see the boat at Firewater 2001 up close and personal, guess I have to remind you old guys eh.


02-18-2003, 09:37 PM
Great article!!! A must read.:)

Rodney Nance
02-18-2003, 09:40 PM
After reading the article I had a couple of thoughts. The first one is that guy is going to strap his ass in a "Marketing Tool" and try to beat Ken's record. I dont know about you but the first time anybody that had anything to do with designing a boat that I had to get in and take to 300 plus and said those words. His ass would be fired. The Quicksilver boat looks to be trying a lot of unproven technology also. Thats a lot of faith to put in people and a boat with zero experience. Ken's boat is sitting on the trailer ready to go. The Challenger driver has a nice model of the boat and a pretty uniform. The Quicksilver team has something that is starting to look like a boat. If I had a lot of money to sponsor a shot at the record I know who would get it. I am glad the other two are going to go for it (maybe only time will tell) But they need to give old " brute force and guts" a little more respect. He's been there done that.

02-18-2003, 10:04 PM
Untill someone puts there boat in the water and does even close to 300 mph without getting killed its all Bulls..t!
Ken can talk about running the boat in slippers ect, because he has earned the rite to do so!You Da man Ken!
P.S. I could have gone the rest of my life without the Visual:(
(put something on Mate)

02-18-2003, 11:37 PM
The first one is that guy is going to strap his ass in a "Marketing Tool" and try to beat Ken's record. I dont know about you but the first time anybody that had anything to do with designing a boat that I had to get in and take to 300 plus and said those words. His ass would be fired.

I was thinking the same thing while I read it. Maybe cause I know Ken and have talked at length with him and believe in him and the boat and the way he does things.

Ken, see even Lavey doesn't wanna see ya in slippers much less a jock strap. Get that **** out of your mind mate.

Scream And Fly
02-18-2003, 11:40 PM
Do you mean to tell me that I actually have to use my boat???:confused:


02-19-2003, 12:08 AM
it faster with your little white car than Ken ran his boat we will count that. Damn I hope the tranny hold up for this one. I'd sure hate ta see ya get the lower unit wet. Then you would have to wipe the water spots off and stuff. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Jeff, I forgot all about FW 2001. Musta been too drunk I guess. Yep that's right Scotchy Gilmore was there wasn't he. Then that's my excuse. I was too drunk. It's all Scotchys fault. Call me tomorrow with that airbill # on ya'lls mota so I can track it. Looking forward to the weekend with our Canook buds.

What a winter, entertaining damn near every weekend. We love it. Good friends, good company, good food, good beer (Brad is bringing the Blue Lite right?) what more could a guy live for?

BTW, Thumper will be here to make sure we have a good time. That ass may as well just take a room at my house, he's here every weekend it seems. LOL He's bringing a new humidifier unit we need to install at the new house over the weekend (you guys get to help) so you and Brad don't get off completely free.

02-19-2003, 09:24 AM
Ken, Take your boat to LOTO this year and put a hurtin' on Miss Bud.......... I think you would 'LEVEL' the playing field LOL:rolleyes: :eek:

02-19-2003, 09:43 AM
What a classic article!!
Hell, the other two guys spend a bazillion dollars on marketting and Ken gets more for free!!
"A Trained Monkey" :eek:
"A Jock strap and Sandals":p

I have followed Ken since he broke the record.
He has done what no one has done.
And he did it all himself in his mom's garage with scrap!!

I have to agree with Ken, these guys are staking their lives on computer programs that have never been validated!
Who the F wrote them??
At speed, water, wind, boat attitude changes in front of you, how is a computer program going to "predict" that??

Russ Wicks would lose to Ken in a bar fight :D, and will have his ass handed to him if he is ever stupid enough to climb in this floating computer program!
Not sure wich of Wicks commments pissed me off the most??
Slams on Ken or his comment about all the hydroplane guys being "old farts".
Get a ****ING GRIP Russ Wicks!!
You break a 42 year old record held by a wood, V-12 powered Unlimited hydroplane driven by an old fart??
And you do it in a aluminum honey comb, turbine power'd hydroplane owned by someone else, set up by someone else, and tested at the record speeds by someone else!!
And you break that 42 year old record by what, oh thats right, a "HUGE" 5 MPH's!!
Ken's right a trined monkey could have done that!! A drunk stupid one!!
Grow some stones and "really" go after the propleller driven record!! What could that boat really run, 250, 260 easy??
O.K. scpincter (sp??) boy, now your marketting prowess is going to get you to 400??
God Speed Russ Wicks!

Ken, you are dah man!!
How perfect is it that the record is held my a no bull **** mans man??
Doing what no one else has succeded in in how many years??
You rock Ken!!!
We Love Yah Man!!
P.S. wonder if Wicks and crew would spend the money and time (less than for free) supporting and promoting events like the Rumble and Balls To The Wall??
Never mind, I wouldn't let him be associatted with it!

02-19-2003, 10:12 AM
So when are the challengers gonna run????:)

Greg, I been meaning to ask you if you could post a pic of your great 'Stream at speed....it must move pretty good....:D

02-19-2003, 04:44 PM
Ken, great artical, good luck in the quest. There is no question in my mind who will be on top.

I hope the computer generated boats don't have a computer lock-up and data dump at speed.

02-19-2003, 05:45 PM
Thats a hell of a computer game that they are going to play.No thanks. Good luck Ken you are the man.But no jock strap please..

02-19-2003, 08:04 PM
are the other guys going to be driving boats or jets that are designed to float? To me, with all the computers they are using, they aren't driving a boat their flying a jet on the waters surface. When was the last time you saw a jet blow over backwards? Mr. Warby in my book is the only one doing it the way it should be done! No auto pilot, just seat of the pants driving. My hats off to you Mr. Warby!

Dave W
02-20-2003, 09:48 PM
G'day Guys

It's official !!!!!!!!!!!!!.The "HOO ROO GURU" will be in the States in May, to live with His Dad .........until the WWSR is done!!!!.... Gunna..... sleep in da shed, live next to the jetboat............. so calling all Amigos....( and anyone else who is interested)...2003 is the year...... WANTED.... big stretch of water..... and ...... a crew!!!!!!......... only guys that can talk ****.....and I mean GOOD ****!!!!!!:D :D :D Lake Trash is Qualifed....Like me and dad, ( YES YES we already have a "team psycho"......my other half" ), this is the year to bring all the powers together :D :D , Dad, Have you put the cd stacker in the boat yet???

HOO ROO from the GURU

Dave:D :D

02-20-2003, 10:02 PM
Oh no! Those other guys better get to putting those boats together pretty quick now, they are running out of time!:D :D :D :D

02-20-2003, 10:12 PM
only guys that can talk ****.....and I mean GOOD ****!!!!!!

We Amigos got ya covered there Dave !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See ya in May.

02-21-2003, 01:40 AM
I'm in!
As far as talking ****, ask my X wife:D
Called and talked to your old man yesterday and told him to count me in for chief grunt, when ever, where ever!
I know the water in the state of Ohio very well, how much do you need??
BTW, I'm only about 2 hrs from your dad.

Dave W
02-21-2003, 08:52 AM
Instigator, give the "SPEEDGURU a yell....HOY!!, and he'll tell you what he's looking for in the way of a good place to run da boat!, If he gives it the OK, well then is OK with me!, , It would have to be around 10 miles long, fairly protected for the wind, and not many boats on it ( except for all the Scream & fly guys), there is a place north of dad called Great Lake looks good on the map, but dad is the GURU to talk to..first up we'll start testing, and if he's happy with things , well we'll see what happens either way it's gunna get wet:D :D :D

I'm sure if we got in to a record that we could count on all our mates over there to come and help out, and talk good quality ****

what does an ordinary human have to do to become a AMIGO???

like I know you guys don't hand them out on paper plates:eek: Like its easy to become a GURU......even dad is one

Hoo Roo from the GURU!!!!!!!!:D

02-21-2003, 11:54 AM
Open enrollment for the Amigos, all you have to do is beat Warbys jet on water with Ken driving. Then anybody can be an Amigo.
Sounds to me like an Amigo road trip to Cinci in May, Whaddaya tink boys?????

02-21-2003, 12:07 PM
You guys are so mean! Take it easy on people and don't make them race him, just let them do something easier. Maybe if they did some slalom skiing behind it on a warmup run...

:D :D :D

Then again, with the S & F crowd you might have to charge for that:eek:

Dave W
02-25-2003, 08:10 AM
what is the boat gunna be called!!, if it was up to me, I'd call it "Spirit of Australia II", to keep with tradition, maybe some thing to do with "Amigos"............I know... "Spirit of Amigo"........shh ..shh .....I can hear him gettin off the sofa!!:D :D

Hoo Roo from the GURU!

02-25-2003, 08:19 AM
Yep, the old man already told me about that lake. Definately big enough but fairly shallow. 3' to 5' I think.
Told him, the Ohio River would probably be the easiest to get the length and conditions right locally.
Where we had the Rumble has an excellent park/ramp and you have I believe 20 + miles between locks??
For testing we could use our "volunteer boats" to patrol river, watch for debri and use radios from opposite ends to monitor boat traffic.
Most other lakes around here big enough, would be too volnerable to weather conditions.
Don't think your dad liked the idea but that was my guess.
Most of "our" other inland lakes don't have that much open water.
Many are in the 5 to 6 mile long range with a freakin bridge in the middle of them.

Dave W
02-25-2003, 08:41 AM
Instigator, I heard that lake , I think its called Great lake, was shallow, but I don't know how protected it is, , I have gone under bridges ( very small ones...in a creek) at 90-95mph in my little hydro, but I don't think the Senior GURU-AMIGO would let me take it under a bridge???........ but i think he has driven his first jetboat under a bridge.........I'm sure he will let us know

But surely there is somewhere that we can find that run the boat, and get the show on the road.....and water

Hoo Roo from the GURU


02-25-2003, 09:40 AM
That lakes name is Grand Lake Saint Marys.
Probably big enough, and deep enough but,
almost square and not much in the way of protection.
The lakes with the bridges, have small bridges.
Talk to the old man about the river.