05-01-2012, 05:05 AM
Hello my name is Charles, 20, and I am the current lead tech at Lower Peninsula Power Sports and came here to Homer, Ak fresh out of Wyotech in Daytona Beach, Fl and have been working here ever since I moved here. We are a full line dealer for Yamaha and Arctic Cat, we are the only dealer on the Kenai peninsula for the all new Arctic cat Wildcat. For boats we only service Outboards and most are Yamaha's. All rigging jobs are pulling clunkers and putting genuine Yamaha outboards on. We do all kinds of work to boats but most are engine work. We also sell and service Four wheelers, street bikes, dirt bikes, side by sides, snowmachines, even the brand new Arctic cat Wildcats. We have plenty of work for a second mechanic summertime brings lots of tourists and fishing so boats are in demand. The more the experience the better as we need someone to be able to jump in and keep up with the fast pace. We have a two bay shop and Oil burning furnace to keep warm in the winter time. The boat work does come to almost a complete hault winter time but there is plenty of work repairing snowmachines and four wheelers. There is alot of beautiful things to see in Alaska and the winter time is not that bad as I came from living in Fl my whole life and don't plan on going anywhere. I will be attending Yamaha factory training next month, think you can keep up?
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