View Full Version : Pennsylvania coal mine rescue cancelled

09-11-2002, 04:49 PM
A Senate Committee composed of Senators Daschle, Clinton, Kennedy, and
Feinstein have announced that the rescue of Pennsylvania's nine coal miners
has been cancelled. The miners will, by recommendation of the committee, be
placed back in the mine for a potential, future rescue; but only if done
correctly and legally. The senators note the following violations in the
rescue process. The top ten violations, listed in increasing order of
severity, are:

10. Heavy diesel equipment was moved to the rescue site without concern for
possible air pollution.

9. Water was pumped out of the mine without first determining whether it was
polluted, and without providing an environmentally-safe catchment area.

8. Numerous holes were drilled in the ground without first performing an
environmental-impact study.

7. No effort was made to determine the racial, ethnic, and sexual diversity
of the rescue workers.

6. The Governor of Pennsylvania was heard thanking God many times on live
TV, thus violating the separation of church and state.

5. Many people at this public, government-supported, rescue operation
mentioned praying. The miners' families also mentioned praying. In fact,
the miners came out, they said that they had prayed. For this reason alone,
they ought to be sent back into the mine.

4. The trapped miners did not represent a diversified cross-section of
American society. Not one of them was a Black. There wasn't even a female,
Native American, Hispanic, or member of al-Qaeda present.

3. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Hillary Clinton were not given sufficient
time to arrive at the site and make speeches. This oversight must be
corrected during the next rescue attempt.

2. The Senate was not given sufficient time to determine whether any
Republican officeholder owned stock in the coal company, thus making them
responsible for the conspiracy to cause the mine to flood in the first

1. It was never mentioned that Al Gore invented the techniques of mine

09-11-2002, 06:59 PM
You're not nice.

CORRECT, but not nice.

Thanks, Today we all need a chuckle, except that that's sort of scary.

09-17-2002, 11:13 PM
you must have a warped sense of humor (i can respect that)

09-17-2002, 11:41 PM
damn , i was thinking the same thing! how about pic me up on your way to jasper!