View Full Version : AOF drag racing
05-25-2002, 06:49 PM
I have been told some people could not make the last apba/neoda drag because of the short time frame when they found out, so here it is....JULY 13-14 in thompson conn there will be drags held by neoda and ssoa. This will be an AOF race , so there will be no me for classes, and i will get back to you. There will also be a test date of fri july 12. We will run a river racer class there, and the scale wiil be used so we can find a place for every one.E-mail me for more info.
05-28-2002, 03:12 PM
Sounds tempting. Will there be a class for World's Fastest Stratos VT Ski?? What weight will the scale handle?
05-28-2002, 03:57 PM
Hey dave, yes we can find a class for you, by weighing the boat its eaiser to to get you hooked up with a class. I think you would be running in our new class (lead anchor) Justkidding dave ;). and im sure our scales can handle up to 3500 lbs( not saying yours weighs that much). If interested give me a call, or we can chat at the R&R.
05-28-2002, 04:02 PM
I'd almost be scared to sling her to weigh her. She might split in two. It would be great to get some real lake racers there to make it fun. Maybe we can stir up some interest at the Rondak Romp...have some real grudge matches by the time the race rolls around.Now all I need is a 17 pitch 4 blade drag wheel.
06-07-2002, 08:17 PM
are we going to race at the romp?
or just hangout?
hope fully the boat will be floating.
06-08-2002, 07:53 PM
id have to say there will be some hot passes , maybe in the river part. We made a few last year in the pouring rain. Hopefuly this year will bring some nicer weather. I dont think ill put my boat in the water, but i will be riding with a buddy of mine, and we should hit a good pass or 2 .
06-10-2002, 07:35 AM
What do you mean no boat in the water?? After that anchor class statement I atleast want a shot at ya hehe.
No formal racing.
06-10-2002, 09:35 AM
Well dave we'll have to see, last race i showed up un prepared and was in a rush. well to say the least it cost me a weekend of racing and a new steering system,and i shall not be rushed before a race again.but as i said before, we'll have to see.
Rich Owen
06-10-2002, 10:14 AM
Hey Jim , I'm almost definite for Sat (11 am) and Sun . so you better have your boat there ! Rich Owen
06-11-2002, 04:21 PM
Rich, you can bet ill be there, and i will have the boat with me.We will prob have to leave around 2 or so to head for the sunbury penn race. Looking forward to seeing you there rich.
P.S nice pics Jim
07-08-2002, 08:02 AM
I'll be there Saturday but I'm coming boatless....I'm not ready to kick everyone's ass yet hehe.
07-10-2002, 08:06 AM
Guess it's a State Park.
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