View Full Version : The Midas Project
08-02-2007, 05:37 PM
Well before the interuption as you know Jay finished up the Motor & it's on it's way. Pretty impressed so far from saying the shipper had got the job on Tuesday to leaving Jay's place 3 hours.. WoW
If things run true to form it will arrive in the UK Friday and then spend the next week in clearance :(:(
Anybody up for a sweep on day and time of arrival
Jay Smith
08-02-2007, 06:00 PM
Hope that HUGH crate arrives in "usable" condition John ;) ...
A BIG thanks to Greg for his willingness to create a forum on Scream and Fly for the folks out of the US to use as thier own ...
Nice going Greg I know all the folks appreicate it...
08-02-2007, 06:12 PM
To new viewers "The Midas Project" has been my free time filler over the last 18 months.
Built back in 1992 for the Offshore 2ltr series in europe, the boat pick up the world championship that year in the hands of Tony Jenvy. Designed by Lorne Cambel & Built by Midas marine in Southamption. There were two others in the series but these were built by gordon wright & weighed in with a few extra pounds. 27' loa. It then passed to Mark Mumford who has had it for a fair time. I think it was last run about 7-8 years ago and had been in marks garage all that time. Mark put it up for sale and I jumped in. It needed a total refit & rig which is now moving to the closing stages. It is only a hobby & the timetable is flexable but it will get finish this season though maybe late.
Posted a series of pics on the Boatmad site of the exercise. Here are some shots from when mark was running it. I'll update as things progress.
It was silver end down for fitting the motor wasn't it ?????
The Docta
08-03-2007, 02:28 AM
Hope that HUGH crate arrives in "usable" condition John ;) ...
A BIG thanks to Greg for his willingness to create a forum on Scream and Fly for the folks out of the US to use as thier own ...
Nice going Greg I know all the folks appreicate it...
I second that
Thanks Greg
blind dog
08-03-2007, 02:43 AM
just to say hello and thanks for creating a space for us:cool:
Scream And Fly
08-03-2007, 02:47 AM
Thanks guys. If there's enough interest here, I'll expand on it :)
UK Woody
08-03-2007, 03:22 AM
Greg, Like Blufin and Mad dog thank you for accommodating us on Scream and Fly.
UK Woody
08-03-2007, 03:37 AM
Sorry Blind Dog I had a mental block, and The Docta for missing you out.
Blufin, I still have the original edition of the magazine that the picture of Mark going orbital past Roy is first published in, and if I remember rightly that was for first place at the finish line of the last lap that the picture was taken. That picture I put in the same class as Agitator (the US Skater) racing against Mandy Fernandes in Ferrari Collection where Agitator has taken air and is some 12feet out of the water.
Good to see that things are coming on with the rebuild anyway I look forward to seeing it back on the water again and you hopefully racing at Allhallows next year in it.
08-03-2007, 04:17 AM
Shakedown 2008 .... yum yum Thats a 4 sure
I wanted to get across to the estuary classic but the to do list is just so longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.......
Couldn't rescan could ya I could do with a better copy.
Couple of pics of the sister ship in action
08-03-2007, 04:42 AM
thanks for having us
Bad Boy 717
08-03-2007, 05:36 AM
Ditto! Hi Jay, hows you . . . all I did was to raise a point and look what happened! oh dear. Taking the boat out now, lovely and warm here. My kids want to take "Bad Boy" out . . . not bad for 9&6 year olds! :)
UK Woody
08-03-2007, 06:30 AM
Shakedown 2008 .... yum yum Thats a 4 sure
I wanted to get across to the estuary classic but the to do list is just so longggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.......
Couldn't rescan could ya I could do with a better copy.
Couple of pics of the sister ship in action
Blufin,I will dig it out over the weekend and rescan it for you.Woody
Burty Boat Dude
08-03-2007, 07:05 AM
Thanks Guys
08-03-2007, 07:45 AM
Glad to be here - thanks for sorting it out!
08-03-2007, 10:12 AM
Thanks S & F I'm sure there will be enough interest
08-06-2007, 02:35 PM
Here is another Pic of the Midas project in the Original colours
08-08-2007, 04:18 PM
All arranged for tomorrow 700lbs of boy toy coming on a flatbed, see if they turn up......all excited Even taken the day off work. Spent the last two days getting back to where I was 2 months ago before the weather turned bad, all to plan & stays dry, top coat after delivery tomorrow or on friday.
(Mental note: move cars this time, was T cutting for hours after the last spray coat)
Jay Smith
08-08-2007, 04:50 PM
Hopefully the freight bloaks didn't play too rough with your crate !!!!
08-09-2007, 01:38 AM
Ahhh you know us offshore lot....... like a bit of "rough"
Little bit of feedback on the shipping Peter & May got the Job & so far have been excellent, Incare just missied out on price & BAX..... (now shenker) still havent replied with an estimate. Dont seem very organised since the takeover.
08-09-2007, 03:33 PM
Not a great day the great British balls up as forcast, best bit I'd knew they would do it. 1 18-19 year old kid arrives in a sprinter van no lift bed no palet loader.. Looks straight in the eye & say's I'd though you would have one here.
I came right back and said "no, but I'd booked & paid for a tail lift & loader. Will you be alright unloading it on your own or do you need a hand. " Oh I'll need a hand said sprinter boy, right theres the phone if you give them a call at base they should have somebody here in 2-3 hours to help I'm going in now.
Try again tomorrow
Well that set the tone for the afternoon quite nicley started to paint then a pigion went a shat on the bit I'd just done,....... That was it dolly out the pram time, spray gun one way thinners the other, lots a really naff words. So it's effing painted dont care about the runs, might even keep the ****e on it as well, not the best of days
robert j garner
08-10-2007, 02:36 PM
Oh dear and i was just going to ask if santa had been yet.:D
08-10-2007, 04:27 PM
Yep Santa has been
See I told them it would fit in the garage......Now where do I put all the stuff that came out of it???
08-10-2007, 04:31 PM
Well allowing for my hissy fit mood it's come out OK. Cant get any decent side pics as it's a bit space limited. I did get a bit heavy in places & hopefully they will cut back OK.... Trailer is back from plating and will be another week
The project moves on.
Jay Smith
08-10-2007, 05:52 PM
Glad all went well with shipping John....England is a LONG way away and that crate was "handled" by a lot of folks before it arrived at your place...
08-11-2007, 12:01 PM
That's it, you're on the home straight now, not be long now, it be getting it's face wet soon.
Remember, let get the photo's of its first dip.
I've been watching your project for while.
08-11-2007, 01:19 PM
Yep the home strainght sort of , It wont be so weather dependant now it's got some paint on and the pods hatc ect can all go back on. It's going to be a bit of a "Daddy daycare" for the rest of the month but it will progress. Need to get the motor up on a stand so I can move it about will pick that up monday. Try & get the cover fittings on tuesday, Wens dismantle the cocoon & pull it round for the lift off the trailer. Will be nice if this time next week all the above is done.
08-14-2007, 05:11 PM
I've been watching your project for while.
Same here !!
let me know when your planning to launch and perhaps i can assist with some "on the water" pics for you album ;)
08-15-2007, 02:13 AM
Gladly take you up on it. Will post a get wet day when it happens. Though the last two dont count. It's quite nice to sit back and not worry about all the rain now. Arm twisted into decorating a bedroom during the evenings this week but it's been foul outside so not to bad, Tiz a decent price to pay the boat widow for next weeks evenings. Will get the motor upright over the weekend.
Had the poor old apprentice cut out some 1/2 steel plate 18"x15" by hand :eek: to make up an adapter for the motor stand. Then treated him to finish the edges on the mill. He looked knackerd by 4pm.
About 1/3 of the deck hardware is now on and the pods back to keep it weather tight, they will need to come off just once to fit the securing ties on pipe & cable runs only. Think I'll need to get a replacement wing plate as I have a feeling in me water that the one I have is for an earlier 2.5 & might need one with a different set for the 280. Trailer will be finished this week but will leave it seven days or so before I collect it due to space limitation. Arthur at Degraff has done a nice job from what I've seen of it. Thinking about it, his first cat trailer was for me about 23 years ago !!!!!!!
Burty Boat Dude
08-15-2007, 05:28 AM
IF ya wing plate is for a 20" mid then it won't fit. Give Dan a call 07974 737649 as he made mine and should still have my drawing
08-15-2007, 03:08 PM
I gave a call a while back but I'm not quite sure how I want to do things yet, Really need the heavy bit hung and stand back with at least 3 cups of tea and about 10 smokes contemplating the meaning of , wingplates, trim & lift indicators + a through cowling trim kit. Once I have some idea I'll give him a call.
Burty Boat Dude
08-16-2007, 02:33 AM
Through cowling trim kit is easy! I'll post a pic when i get home tonight.
Trim indicator again easy just buy Dans
Lift indicator is tricky as the lifter has more travel than you have cable movement
08-17-2007, 05:11 PM
Crane in, motor lifted in the crate swapped over to engine stand. complete with builders bum, free & clear swing on the hook !!!!!
08-17-2007, 05:14 PM
All tucked up and comfy in the garage, I put a high bracket on the stand so I can easly drop off the box if I need too at some future point
EDIT: Note how thoughtful I am see the fire ext on the wall in pic one :)
08-17-2007, 05:57 PM
All looks great!
I sit here in awe that an old boat racer has that commitment to put another raceboat out there!
08-18-2007, 02:19 AM
IF ya wing plate is for a 20" mid then it won't fit. Give Dan a call 07974 737649 as he made mine and should still have my drawing
You'll need either a 4 or 5 hole fixing, I have a couple of spare 4 hole (latest type) Mayfair wing plates!
08-18-2007, 02:24 AM
Lift indicator is tricky as the lifter has more travel than you have cable movement
You need one of these........
08-18-2007, 03:27 AM
You'll need either a 4 or 5 hole fixing, I have a couple of spare 4 hole (latest type) Mayfair wing plates!
Ah but you have been avoiding my calls all week:D I'm ending in 727100 as well as 85422
08-18-2007, 03:31 AM
All looks great!
I sit here in awe that an old boat racer has that commitment to put another raceboat out there!
erhhhhhhhhhhh just coz I did me apprentership with Noah..........:eek:
robert j garner
08-18-2007, 02:39 PM
Are you sure that gantry is up to the job looks a bit flimsy:D :D
08-20-2007, 04:19 PM
I hope so coz If me tressles arrive this week it will be lifting the boat on Sunday. To be fair total overkill for the motor but boy was that the easiest lift ever of an outboard.
08-21-2007, 01:30 AM
Hey Greg What About Us Guys Over Here In Australia??
08-21-2007, 02:04 AM
I always thought Aus was part of the International Community. Ya just need to be a Republic :D
Jay Smith
08-21-2007, 10:13 AM
EVERYONE is WELCOME here at Scream and Fly !!!!
Come on over and enjoy the the site ........
Jay Smith
08-21-2007, 04:44 PM
Couple of pre resto- strip pics. First is the transom support fitting the other the only bit of rot, just on the deck- pod attachment
08-21-2007, 04:47 PM
Some under deck shots, last one you can see one of the lifting eye internal brackets
08-21-2007, 04:54 PM
I didn't quite fit in the puppy and the seat couldn't go back and the throttle no more forwad as they were hard up against frames so a radical dash cut to get them spindly legs of mine in
08-21-2007, 04:57 PM
Front sorted needed to make some more room in the back, there was a really nice chart table but to be honest in these days of GPS & modern wizz bang kit it just wasn't needed....... Mhhhh where's me air saw !!!!!!
08-21-2007, 05:02 PM
Working my way backwards to the transome, getting the old support fittings out was a total pig but got it done, some old damage to the transom as well s cut it out & bonded in some new bits with a poxy coating
08-21-2007, 05:07 PM
Structure stuff done & tidied up
08-21-2007, 05:09 PM
Added a little old speed hump to the back as it looked oh so plain bit like an aircraft carrier deck, had all kinds of ideas, chain locker, flare stowage lunchbox, settled on a wet bar Hic,..............
08-21-2007, 05:12 PM
Rubbing down late into the night, and after toooooo much time some top coats
08-21-2007, 05:14 PM
Dummy dry fit transom plate & jackplate. thru deck ft'ngs
08-21-2007, 05:15 PM
And the hoses were too short, coz I measured the old L&S HET for setback not the new one Dolt !!!!!!!!
08-21-2007, 05:21 PM
So there is a quick resume of the project so far, been on another board previously running into loads of pages. This is the edited highlights.
Taken four times as long & 3 times what I thought it would cost... Sound familiar
08-25-2007, 06:14 AM
Well got a few bits done & managed to get it out from it's little coccoon. need a really big tidy up after the refit, rig & bits to do. Trailer is finished collect it next week.
08-25-2007, 06:16 AM
few more
robert j garner
08-25-2007, 03:38 PM
Looking good when are you going to hang the mota on it!
08-25-2007, 04:45 PM
couple of weeks yet. My tressle man let me down so I need to sort that first then do some locals where it was sitting on the trailer bunks. Dont want to spray with the motor on as knowing my luck I'll get it covered in some way
lifting strops are to long for the crane Im using so will get some more made really short.
Will pop up to Degraff and pick up the trailer about thursday
wont get much progress on it the next few days as it really needs a serious tidy up around the working area, off cuts everywhere with empty paint tins all over the place :(
08-27-2007, 01:45 PM
What length strops and capacity do you need and how many?
If i have them I'll send them down,
08-28-2007, 02:11 PM
Should be alright thanks gaz, got a couple of hefty warps (boating term there !!!)
front one was a bit skinny so didnt hang aroun d with the camera too much.
Still found a use for that old sideboard :D
08-29-2007, 01:52 PM
Should be alright thanks gaz, got a couple of hefty warps (boating term there !!!)
front one was a bit skinny so didnt hang aroun d with the camera too much.
Still found a use for that old sideboard :D
What was the SWL of the sideboard again,
Are you sure it's been load tested.
Looks good for 20 tons mate.:D :D :D
08-29-2007, 04:55 PM
Real wood none of that chipboard... passed the Fat boy "Fin" Jump test, Had a go at working on the tunnel tonight, all a bit wobbly at the back end as tressel boy hasn't dropped off, got some stands coming saturday from southampton.
loved the mrs comment
"as long as you stay in the middle you should be OK even if it falls off , its has those sticking down bits"
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr (whistle) here boy .... go ****e in mummys car , do it for a biscuit.....(whistle)
09-06-2007, 08:39 PM
Just..nearly finished an all definitive Class 3 Lorne Campbell web site -
09-07-2007, 01:34 AM
MMMMHHHHHHH!! So I could go to Coniston next year & attempt a "Classic OB record"
09-07-2007, 01:37 PM
Just..nearly finished an all definitive Class 3 Lorne Campbell web site -
So my old 21 won the 1986 3C world's.
I had it all those years and did'nt know that.
Again thanks for the info ciao!
09-07-2007, 01:39 PM
MMMMHHHHHHH!! So I could go to Coniston next year & attempt a "Classic OB record"
Hi Bluefin
What is the Record?
09-07-2007, 01:56 PM
There aint one :D so if it's me about 25MPH as I fall out the bar
Classic offshore is a new thing
09-07-2007, 02:04 PM
Are you going up this year? Spectating
09-07-2007, 03:49 PM
Just dont have the free time to get up there. Boat should be finished around then but I need to knock off the ring rust & rough edges. Been playing in Ribs too much.
Intresting thought though for the classics. dont know if they are allowing perfomance runs anymore though.
Have given up on doing the local paint touch in where it was sitting on the trailer bunks and doing the whole tunnel & inside of the Sponsons in one go. First coat is on rubbing Saturday (tomorrow), 2nd Sunday more rub a dub monday after work with a final coat Tuesday.
De Graaff have done a super job with the new trailer dropping the overall height quite a bit making things easier to get too . But will need to let things harden up for a bit before re-setting in on a trailer. I'll use that to get the lifter fitted & fix all the pumps & set up the Bow tanks & control linkages
09-08-2007, 04:21 AM
Its a pitty you dont live nearer here, as i run the paintshops for a subsea christmas tree manufacturer, with new spray bake ovens, i know the guys on the shop would have coated your whole boat with air assisted airless for a large jar of sweets and a crate of juce.
09-08-2007, 05:42 AM
Now ya tell me !!!!!!!
What has slowed this apart from the weather in May, June & July was I fractured my wrist back in Jan and it's been really slow to sort itself out, funny enough I did it in the afternoon after the dunk test.
Thats Jackie & mike from the P1 boat coming out
Edit : Would it have to have been green though!!
09-08-2007, 08:55 AM
Now ya tell me !!!!!!!
What has slowed this apart from the weather in May, June & July was I fractured my wrist back in Jan and it's been really slow to sort itself out, funny enough I did it in the afternoon after the dunk test.
Thats Jackie & mike from the P1 boat coming out
Edit : Would it have to have been green though!!
Just about everything finishes in yellow, Some customers require colour coding I.E. Frames and connectors yellow, all pressure containing parts white, actuators orange, and lifting eyes red.
Paint thickness can be up 660 microns.
Each unit is worth $2,000,000 each wieghs around 45 - 50 tons and we build around 100 per year in our factory.
There you are a bet your bored now eh.
Just a pity you are 550 miles away, you could have a guided tour, everyone who gets this seems to be well impressed.
Have you ever dune that dunk test? I did my Padi open water diving a few years ago, but upside down enclosed not sure i would be keen on that.
I seen the photo's of your boat, i take it that is at your house, nice pad if i say so by the way.
09-08-2007, 09:36 AM
Yep did the dunk test, bloody loved it I kept going again & again. Air no air ect, ect. a real hoot good fun in a wierd kind of way. thought I'd better as I'm going to end up turning it over at some point
Yep boat at the house, loads of upkeep & ongoing projects to say the least, just a few rooms to finish inside now, ..........:mad:
09-11-2007, 04:13 PM
Running 24 hours behind last estimate final coat tomorrow after work, need to get a waggle on as it's dark by 8pm now !!!!
09-11-2007, 09:28 PM
Pictures of it painted please!
09-14-2007, 03:49 PM
Couple on page 4 John.
Finally got it finished last night. Though a bit damp overnight it survied sort of OK, couple of water marks they should polish out. (if I ever get round to it)
De-masking caught a couple of spots but heck its a boat not a show car. Locals & live with it. Maybe when funds permit a professional paint at the close of the 2008 season.
Lifter going on tomorrow & will wire up & bleed Monday. Restricted a bit as Promised the kids a trip to Ringwood Carnival & a day out Sunday.
Still rigging I enjoy and it moves along quite well. Give it a few days to go hard before sitting it back on a trailer week if I can. I think I might need to trim the front bunks a bit to seat it fully but I measured it that way so I could finish it anyway.
09-15-2007, 05:50 AM
Shes at work kid's are watching High School Musical thingy so
Popped on the Plate with the thru-Hull fittings. Replaced hoses are long enough this time :)
Wear them all out this afternoon might even get the pump in today
Jay Smith
09-15-2007, 09:07 AM
To heck with blasted BOAT John when am I gonna hear that JSRE engine go "ring ring ding" ?
09-15-2007, 01:04 PM
Never I hope
should be a Warrrrrrrrrrrrp, WarrrrrrrrrrrrrP, Waarrrrrrrrrrrrrrp , Waarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp. Last one was a boat wash.
It's burning me up not geting it going yet, but I have to fill all the other little boxes at the same time. Wife, Kiddies, Work, ect,ect. Providing it holds good and not too wet in the week I'd be keying it hopefully Saturday week.
Running the stock loom to start with. as discussed. Had the "Fairys" at work run through the wires ect my Idea was sound but reckon a switch on the O heat test to isolate it as the ECU would read that as a genuine warning. bloody wiggle amps and volts give me rods, Pulleys & cables :D
09-22-2007, 08:31 AM
Motor on at last got a few issues with the plate & need to get some bits from stainless marine, not happy with the trim hoses as there is really a tight squeeze for the ridgid pipes might get those changed.
Calc on full tilt did work out though.
Will get it running an see but think I might be a 3/4 to 1 inch to high as a starting point but difficult till I get a straight edge on it.
Slowly moving the right direction, but lots to sort on the motor rigging
10-03-2007, 04:15 PM
Well the bits from the US have all arrived & fitted wating on all the UK stuff to get here, now explain that one !!!!!!! Steering Ram was leaking a bit so might need to ship that to get re-sealed.
What else Oh this has arrived so better get me boating in pre may08
10-03-2007, 07:07 PM
That picture is the worst excuse I have ever seen.
Whats next?
Hold the "Midas Project" until the new baby is old enough to race?
By the way congrats!
10-04-2007, 03:34 PM
Bit a surprise Girlfriends not to happy about it, wife is pleased though (Joke)
Tiz not going to change a thing
Right so back to Project Midas, Motor coming off again & going to install an extra 1" of set back Top transom clearance issues are just to painful to work around and this is the simplest & the best soloution going to be stuck for bits now as hose lengths will be different so more shopping trips.
will try and get on with some of the wiring till replacements arrived.
what else, bit out on the measurements on the new wing plate so going to have to get another one of those made :mad:
10-07-2007, 01:50 PM
Congats from Scotland on the Wee un
When will the launch date be now!
Remember the Midas is only a 2 seater, i can see you looking for a nice family bow rider, with a 20 hp on the back, putting around with the yelling kids in next.
:D :D :D :D :D
10-07-2007, 01:53 PM
Nah stick the kids in a Ringo & tow em !!!!:D
10-15-2007, 11:28 AM
Did your boat have the number C81 if so i have a photo of it at Adams partly rubbed down with stickers removed, If u PM an address i will send you it down.
10-15-2007, 11:38 AM
Nope, Jon has got the longer "Carryfast",
and look at 1989 - that would be the boat.
10-15-2007, 11:53 AM
I sadly, took the time to work out when all of the Lorne designed boats, were built, and first raced.
Just when I thought I was being an "anorak", Lorne kindly helped me out with the rest.
I enjoy that loads more than the The 2008 Round Britain Offshore Power Boat Race™ website - because I can sit back and remember!
Talking about that - best I update the entries!
10-15-2007, 01:35 PM
Hi Ciao
Right the 1989 boat is the c81, but this is not the boat i have the photo for, if you look down the sheet to 1993 Turning point, this is the boat in these colours but instead of c4 it has c81 is it poss for the driver of the earlier boat to have progressed on to this?
Is it made to the same drawing s of John's boat
10-16-2007, 10:50 AM
Post the picture - we can work it out from there!
10-16-2007, 01:29 PM
Exterior is but there are some differences on the internal detail & material. Hence the weight differences
10-16-2007, 02:35 PM
Post the picture - we can work it out from there!
Hi Ciao
Its a photo i have, we are talking 35 mm not digital the year was 1997
not sure if Scotland had digital then?
So i canny post it.:D :D :D
but its the 1993 Turning Point, which i now know was not a Midas boat, so i was wrong again.
I must get my facts right before posting
I must get my facts right before posting
I must get my facts right before posting
Sorry Blufin (John) wrong boat,
But it cannot be long before the big launch?
Do you know how long it will be?
10-16-2007, 05:50 PM
Need a week off sick really to see it done. Hammering down with rain tonight so had to set me storm jib over the top. There isn't really a great deal to do it's just waiting on all the back order stuff really. Do they keep anything in stock in the UK any more
Control cables for the Bow Tanks wanted Aquaflex as they are more bendy. wating 3 weeks still not had an instock day yet
Earls Fuel Hose & fitting 50% of the order arrived next 50% in 3 weeks
its a pain coz they take ya money & tell you after, this goes on for pretty much everything left so far.
It's actually faster to Order in the US even allowing for a bank transfer rather than credit card & you have it in a week sometimes less. I thought the delay would be the seal kit for the Latham ram but by the look of it this will arrive weeks before anything here. Rest of the US stuff should ship this friday. Half term next week so that will throw a spanner in it a bit if I had stuff to bolt on :(
10-17-2007, 02:42 PM
You're lucky if your kids get just 1 weeks half term ours are on 2 weeks half term from last Monday,i know what you mean you just cannot get anything done with them off school.
10-23-2007, 04:25 PM
Still plugging away, All the nasty wire work is done, simple hook ups left to do. Seal kit from Latham arrived today :):). New Wingplate in a couple of days
Still wating on other bits from Southampton 15 miles away & local post, Latham 2500 miles & Bank Transfer as opposed to Credit Card arrived, now tell me the UK aint F***ked up !!!!!!!! all ordered on the same day ?????
10-24-2007, 05:46 PM
Talking of bank transfers - had an old mate of mine from the city bell me up this afternoon "advising" me to be careful of Barclays.
I took his advice and pulled my £50 out of the "hole in the wall".
10-24-2007, 05:57 PM
how come you are so flush ?????:D
10-24-2007, 06:02 PM
Saved up last month, didn't pay my child support and eat with my mum and dad
Martin W
10-29-2007, 04:40 PM
Ive gota tell you guys, I went round to Johns house on saturday and the "Midas Project" is looking fantastic.... what a credit to johns patience and undoubted deep pockets..
John could you fix mY cat up next :)
10-29-2007, 04:58 PM
undoubted deep pockets.Martin
I got very short arms though :)
Martin W
10-29-2007, 05:01 PM
Ive always wanted to meet a girl with small hands :cool:
never have :mad: but... met the wife enough said :) :) :)
10-29-2007, 05:07 PM
mmmmhhhh Wink Wink
(I had to type that very carefully)
Martin W
10-29-2007, 05:09 PM
Steady Tiger... One cat in your house is enough!!!!
10-29-2007, 05:18 PM
I must get down & have a good eye on the Puma, sure we can come up with some ideas.
Oh still wating on local bits so no progress updates
Martin W
10-29-2007, 05:22 PM
Found these old Pics of my boat when it was "Under Restoration"
Good for a laugh :eek:
Didn't realise that Cats had a Bimi Top and six detachable Racing Patio Seats !!!!!!!!!!!
11-01-2007, 07:55 PM
Is your boat the old "Papa Kilo"?
11-02-2007, 12:51 PM
no its hospitality inns
Martin W
11-02-2007, 01:16 PM
Yes you are right its "Hospitality Inns"
Hers are some pics of when she was racing
These were taken in 1990...
Martin W
11-02-2007, 01:28 PM
and hers how she looks now
Some boating thespians may not like her but she's great as far as im concerned. just some fe-fitting to do....
11-03-2007, 12:38 PM
Well I am certainly not a "Some boating thespians", I think its great to see an old raceboat out on the water!
Use to be able to talk for hours about that boat, but fortunately Geoff Purves and I spent a relaxed drinking day back in October 2002 at Windermere, so I have got it out of my system!
Enjoy your new steed!
Martin W
11-03-2007, 12:45 PM
Thanks for your comments,
Any info that you have about her past life would be of great interest to me as im starting compiling a history of her
11-03-2007, 01:20 PM
Best speak to Mr. Purves, he raced the boat from start to finish.
I've known Geoff on and off for 25 years - top bloke.
Martin W
11-03-2007, 01:22 PM
Where can i find him???
11-03-2007, 01:32 PM
J F on should point you into the right direction, I changed my mobile last night and lost loads of contacts -done well
Martin W
11-03-2007, 01:54 PM
Cheers I'll have a word with Jon
11-03-2007, 03:50 PM
Ocean Racing I'll PM you his number Martin
Martin W
11-03-2007, 03:53 PM
Cheers John,
Im going out tomorrow, fancy a spin??
11-03-2007, 04:27 PM
3 kids in the house + 2 on a sleepover mrs doing the first trimester honk. love too ...............problem is where I'd go after.
will sneak an hour or 2 on midas though
Martin W
11-03-2007, 04:55 PM
LOL sounds like you have your hand full,
Nice to hear your going to sneak an hour or two on the "Midas Project"
Going to try the Spinelli's first then see what happens, Claire isn't going to Co-Drive she's still scared !!!!!!!!
Going to have a lesson from the guy at Drivers hopefully
11-04-2007, 05:40 AM
Best speak to Mr. Purves, he raced the boat from start to finish.
I've known Geoff on and off for 25 years - top bloke.
i bought it of geoff 99,raced it 4 litre worlds in palma took 3rd,then took it to records week to take 4 litre national record 93.93mph still stands,
ran it again gib 02 blew hole in tunnel,back to windemere ran 110mph with efis,still got papa kilo now 29ft long
11-04-2007, 03:13 PM
i bought it of geoff 99,raced it 4 litre worlds in palma took 3rd,then took it to records week to take 4 litre national record 93.93mph still stands,
ran it again gib 02 blew hole in tunnel,back to windemere ran 110mph with efis,still got papa kilo now 29ft long
Oops sorry about that!
11-05-2007, 02:32 AM
welcome to "That" age john :)
now where did I put my car keys ???????
11-05-2007, 06:51 AM
Spot on! Thats exactly how I felt!
11-29-2007, 04:43 PM
Last Saturday, No kids, not hacking down with rain yipeeeee. Was -6c (21 f) for the first 2 hours though Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Motor & jack plate off.
Drill & fit the marine ply spacer (14 coats of Epoxy, well I was bored on thoose wet evenings). Motor & jackplate back on, Refit the lifter pump and bleed & function, its not even get dark yet !!!
All clearance issues now solved, still thinking on trim hoses might cut them & fit some -4 end fittings & run through hull, would be cleaner.
Dome nuts on the engine serve no useful function other than covering the stud end and give a cleaner finish. Will start cutting the loom & hoses to length now and connect.
Bit of chinscratch on the height might be a tad on the high side even when fully lowered, but fek it I rather fit a remote pickup to be honest if its an issue down the road.
Martin W
11-30-2007, 02:58 PM
John those domed head nut look well sexy - you old tart;)
03-02-2008, 05:32 AM
Well its nearly there just a few bits left to do but a busy few weeks at work are ahead for the next month
Trim thru hull ft’ngs & internal hoses
2 elect & manual bilge pumps to fit, fixings already in
Gearshift cable
Throttle cable
2 jack plugs to fit
Trim actuator & indicator
Lifter actuator & indicator
Secure RH sponson loom & cables
Fit front seat
Profile front trailer bunks
touch in fitting out paint scabs
Modify engine cowl lock mechanism
tweek, adjust, set-up, recheck
Errr ....Hissy fit deck repair
Jay Smith
03-02-2008, 10:58 PM
Are you about ready for a re-ring job on the JSRE 280 ? ;) Burty, Scott, and Mike (sending 2 ) are sending 4 over across the BIG POND in a week or so I know yours is bound to need freshing up ..... :p:eek::)
Just jerkin ya chain a bit mate !:D
Jay @ JSRE
03-03-2008, 04:02 PM
Nah should be Ok for a bit but will get you to ready up a spare powerhead (Identical Twin) nearer the time.
All joking aside service in the UK is really poor nowadays I really cant understand how anybody stays in business. It has caught me out so badly. Earls were the worst 4 months for some -6 fittings & adaptors.
I dont think I will purchase anything here again just go straight to the US and bite the bullet on the shipping.
Latest joke is a metal hose joiner 14 days so far and thats just coming from 20 miles away. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Rant over
Maybe should have shipped the boat to the US had a couple of months off to do it then ship it back..
Bloody EU & the Metric system ... Royal with cheese my ass it's a quarter pounder. ..............
03-13-2008, 06:25 PM
This is posted as a Learn from Incidents
I have been having loads of trouble with the new steering over the last few weeks. & has been a bit of strange one to pin down and eaten a ****e load of time & something like 20 lts of fluid.
Helm is a capalano 1275V Ram is a Latham run on -6 hose & fittings
It starts off fine but becomes stiff going RH down you can force it over but you can really feel the pressure build up & that helm is ticking away........
It sounds quite straight forward until you get into the trouble shooting.
Isolated all the various sections & all worked fine with no problems, even had the ram flow checked & the helm unit all perfect. I was just stripping the ram of tonight to ship it off again & was breaking into the base unit when I just happened to notice something as I pulled the -6 to 1/4 NPT elbows off the unit.
One seem slightly more polished than the other, put them side by side & to my poor old eyes even with glasses on looked different.
Quick check with a drill shank - fits in one not the other. Vernier out and bug*er me they are different internal diameters, same part numbers same everything just different manufacturing tolerances (being Kind there).
Run them both through enlarging the smaller to the larger size problem is solved, total difference was 1/8"
What made it feel worse was the fact it was on the smaller side of the unbalanced ram, if it was the other way round it may have not been such an issue
Don’t forget
Check the Bloody Obvious
04-21-2008, 05:52 PM
Well after many months delay I managed to progress things to get the motor fired up.
Hippo chic is none to impressed and thinks I should be paying more attention to the impending arrival of the new addition to the family, didn't help the fact I never notice the haircut for 7 hrs after I explained how sexy Jays Motor sounded & how easy it went having got it all plumbed in and fired within 2 secs of cranking, having been shipped 3000 miles ,bounced in a crate and left standing for 6 months with just a weekly hand turn.
Scared my 84 year old next door who thought it was a helecopter, dog wet itself, closely followed by me................:cheers:
Another VERY satisfied customer Mr Smith
Jay Smith
04-21-2008, 08:44 PM
John ,
Glad the engine is all what it was expected. If I send you a sister motor to yours the British Empire will never be the same....:thumbsup:
I'll be looking for the another engine as we spoke this afternoon...Details later..
Jay @ JSRE
PS I have 4 of your contrymen's 2.5's here , Maybe I'll just tell Scott Gibbons somebody swiped his 280 and we won't have to look any farther..:leaving:
Don't fret Scott your baby is safe at JSRE along with Mike and Robs...
06-07-2008, 02:28 PM
all done off to the sea side.
treated my self to a little sub 5k squirt after 2 hours one handed on the cell phone
06-27-2008, 01:03 PM
Getting there slowly got a few more hours on it now & up to 6k
runs a steady 77 on the 28" & just a bit over 80 on the 30".
Really looking forward to the last 40% Mr Smith which I try & get finished next time out.
Love to know where its going to settle on pitch not got a clue,
could be as high as a 32" Gulp !!!! which is what a heaver sistership run with a 2.4
Oh everybody comments on the sound it makes, awesome so they say. cant hear the thing myself just wind noise, with a odd prop Warrrrrrrrp
07-30-2008, 12:23 PM
ECU unlocked but was swinging a whooping big prop. 90.54mph 6900rpm try again next weekend with someting more suited to the boat. Not sure where it will top off but tiz not bad for a single 280 on a 27 footer as it stands now
07-30-2008, 01:16 PM
That's good to hear its unlocked and by the sounds of it fleckking flying see you at the poker.:thumbsup:
10-11-2008, 03:37 PM
Well first time out in about a month & a half. Not really had the time to dial in over the summer as I was planning to do, was a pretty crap summer to be honest but today was pretty good a little bit "washie" out on Southampton water so didn't really get a chance to really wind it fully.
So today's numbers below running a 28" clever 3 blade max rpm 7,700 with 250 lts (66 Gall US) onboard. It was still pulling but not the ideal day or conditions reckon it could have seen 97.
Think I could be close to topping out with a 1.87 ratio so may change & throw some steeper Iron.
Abount the max on the lifter before I run out of water is 5".
5 is fine 6 down to 5 psi & just kissing the buzzer.
Tending to favor a try with a 2:1 possible change to 15" mid
Getting there slowly so to speak
11-18-2008, 05:35 PM
Good trip out last Saturday tried an old 3 blade spinelli which I had re-hubbed to a fat shaft matched the last run out but RPMS were 500 lower, to be expected really but had 490lbs as I was 2 up. Sent the prop of for a rework as this could be faster than the clever & the trim effectiveness was better.
Torn about what to do next really. It should reach the magic 100 mph but dunno if I should go 2:1 & throw taller props or continue with the 1.87 and run through a few more props. ho... hum ....................
Not going 15" route just cant work it with the transom
01-28-2009, 02:17 PM
Had a run last Saturday, some pics of the day. Still looking for the right prop. More of a social outing on a very cold day. It was fun, complete with silly soundtrack :D
Still looking for the best prop option but getting there a .5 at time.
Original from Ash in the back with that lovley JSRE sound
Taking it back over the next few weeks to raise the lifter & change a few things around ready for 2009 :cheers:
Police were last seen looking for a bank robber wearing a hood loose in Southampton EEEEKKK!
Jay Smith
01-29-2009, 04:39 PM
That is amazing that a 27' hull is SOOO close to double digits with a single outboard application. Once the engine gets propped up to its rev limits I suspect a jump over the 100 MPH mark...
05-02-2009, 05:26 AM
Went Racing for the first time in 23 years last sunday
not just the oldest there but it was close.
Pics & links below. Dont worry about the old blue eyes track as that from the guys in the bar on sat night
Entries were a bit down & only one other +2.5ltr running but a good fun day out, not a course for a 27 foot offshore cat a bit tight to say the least.
a good fun weekend & a head drive not a foot drive
Some u-tube boat cam here
nearly got wet around 8:20 in oops
05-02-2009, 06:40 AM
Went Racing for the first time in 23 years last sunday
not just the oldest there but it was close.
Pics & links below. Dont worry about the old blue eyes track as that from the guys in the bar on sat night
Entries were a bit down & only one other +2.5ltr running but a good fun day out, not a course for a 27 foot offshore cat a bit tight to say the least.
a good fun weekend & a head drive not a foot drive
Some u-tube boat cam here
nearly got wet around 8:20 in oops
Must be a real good rough water ride. Downside is that it's slower in planing and cant turn real tight. So you can only gain on the straight parts.
What was that at 8min20? Cornered too tight and bit hooking?
05-02-2009, 07:00 AM
driver error not looking at what was in front...... oh hum lesson learned for next time
smallest prop I took was a 28" my jaw dropped when I see the race marks laid, should have packed a couple of 26"'s or a 25 as I was crucified in and coming out of the turns. ended up third with a first in class but drove a finish as I couldnt face any repair bills this month which paid off in the long run
Jay Smith
05-03-2009, 02:30 PM
I wanna see 100 MPH John ! Lighten the fuel load , eat 1 less hamburger, take a long health bowl movement and let me see a triple digit on that GPS....That would be amazing a 100 mph 27' ft hull with a single JSRE modified 280 attached...
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