View Full Version : painted hull problems

mark larbalestrier
08-21-2006, 06:40 AM
I am looking for a little advise , I just picked up a 1986 baja 20 foot with 1986 evinrude xp 200 , the previous owner painted the hull with antifouling paint , the paint has deteriated to the point that it is ruff and blochy . the boat does 72 mph with one person now . The hull is in great shape I just dont know weather I should remove the paint and what I would use to remove it , or repaint ? thank you .

terry taylor
09-01-2006, 06:29 PM
HI. Firstly some apply bottom coatings to cover up possible prob.an enthusiast probably never use this type stuff. I know gel coat is tough,this leaves you options greater for removal try a spot using solvent starting with weeker to stronger kerosene upward to stronger lacqer thinner rubbing circular in one spot. If no progess try house paint gelled stripper trade name polystripper or such this will not attack gel_coatremove when you see bottom paint lifting. its a messy job.

09-01-2006, 06:50 PM

here is a link to another thread allready in progress on this subject. as I posted on the other one, remember that bottom paint is rich in copper and is very, very toxic. do your best to not get it on you and do not breath it. and solvents are going to do little or nothing for you but make a mess. I would agree with the others, media blasting is the right way. and your paint strippers (methylene chloride) WILL attack gel coat. and for anyone that does not beleive me on that, they are welcome to come by my shop and see what large amount of damage that was done to a hull by some home repair artist using paint stripper. In my opinion, they ruined this hull. It has gotten tru the gel coat into the laminate and caused massive damage. I did a lot of research with methylene chloride in the past (when I had a real job) and just so anyone working with it will know, it is also a fetal mutagen. women pregnent or going to be should not come in contact with it. most paint strippers has a low concentration of it, but was considered dangerous at the ppb level to unborn babies. The company I worked for then lost a large law suit to a pregnent worker.

anyhoo, good luck, john