View Full Version : Props, Setup, and Rigging
- '81 Vector
- Movin on up
- 1978 Bayliner Quartermaster / 200 Merc
- Phantom 25 & Promax 300
- Rig(s)
- Triad STV Euro HP
- 77 Vector - omc v6
- 1989 Sunbird 150 Johnson
- Rapid Craft Hurricane/Evinrude 90
- Rapid Craft Hurricane/Evinrude 90
- STV w/ red & purple dingo balls
- 105+ Yamaha/V-king
- Almost Unlimited!
- #146 Vandalizer
- Stratos VT Rocket
- My Toys
- HST setup info wanted
- '96 Sleekcraft w/ 265HP Evin
- Who sells Hynautic steerings?
- My toys
- Vandal
- reinforcing transom on Mirage Jaguar
- '89 'Stream Vegas XT/Merc 2.4 200 XRi
- '97 XB2002 w/ '98 225 Blue Anchor
- 1998 Hydrostream Valero YT, 1998 Pro Max 225
- My Boats
- 92 STV ProComp
- Problems with registration - please read!
- '87 Checkmate Exciter w/'87 200 Merc
- 2.5 Mercury offshore 280 setup
- 21' Liberator W/ Twin 2.5's
- STV River Rocket/2.5EFI
- 1992 STV ProCompSki w/ MPP 2.4EFI
- 78 Hydrostream Hydro locking?????
- Air it out??
- what prop on a Voo Doo?
- flying butcher rig
- rigs
- prop pitch decisions....HELP!
- 84 Eliminator Daytona Merc 245 HP 2.5
- checkmates
- 16 BONITO 175 MERC
- 21ft Barneycraft with 300 Gray Promax
- 21' Liberator w/Mercury Mod VP
- marshan power boats
- 76 Hydrostream Viper & 92 Allison GranSport
- Allison XTB w/ 2001 Mercury 200XS
- Another Vector
- West lake drags...Get the skinny...Beer Beer, and more Beer!!
- Hydrostream Vector setup/handling
- 15 GW Invader
- CVX20/235 OMC up and running
- Shazaam!!!!! She Runs!!
- Setback on STV
- '92 Mirage Ski Racer, '93 260 2.5
- Checkmate Setup
- set up
- Johnson Hyperfoil
- Center Steer Bullet
- new setup 18' wMercury 150 hp 2.5 efi
- Sterling tunnel,T3,alpha/bobs,mod200
- Checkmate Prop Selection
- 80' Enchanter/2.4 200 merc
- 98 VKING 99 2.5 offshore 280hp
- 19' Liberator 225 Mariner EFI
- 14ft sidewinder
- FastEddie has lost his training wheels
- TideCraft Inferno
- Finally hit the mark!!!!
- HydroStream ideas....... what you think?
- baker x-18 set up
- STV SETUP with SM Gear Cases?
- Basic Theories
- Mirage set up?
- Velaro yt, 260 need input
- Finding the correct prop - never ending story??!!
- 20ft. LaveyCraft 20...Progress Report
- What Model name is my Checkmate?
- Sportmaster - Help!
- Hydrostream, weight vs handling
- Prop Talk Continued...........Mach??
- 71 16'Glastron Carlson Challenger w/150XS 77 Merc
- new rig
- James Bond GT150
- Painting a boat ?????
- Robert's Rig
- Hey Raceman,Do you remember a boat called an Ebko?
- How much horsepower did the twister 2 produce?
- Fuel tank switches
- Dual Cable Steering mount for Stack 6 Merc
- S,T.V. Transom Height Talk
- lost 5 mph(or so)
- 83 switzer 93 200 2.5EFI setup
- Settin Up A Hydrostream
- Insurance
- 2001 Mirage River Racer
- Best hull for first outboard boat?
- Riggin a new HydroStream
- Set-up on a 21'Talon
- power trim
- Allison Hydrofoil Installation
- Skater 24 & twin 2.5's - speed?
- Setback wonderings
- "PORKY" The Checkmate Starflight
- 88' 18 1/2 Checkmate Exciter
- action tvx
- 14' Funcat
- merc straight 6 transom jack
- Pulsare Problems
- SpeedRails - topic for a test?
- 15' Manta tunnel ??
- 21 Superboat, 225 Pro Max (HELP it should do over 65 right?)
- Best gearcase for V-King?
- 2.4's or 2.5's on 25 cmate
- Barney
- Introducing JRocket
- Mazco HP4 - any experiences
- Glasstron/carlson cvx 20 (jack plate)
- To adminisrator
- Working on picture
- 2.5 or 300x on 21 checkmate enchanter
- Rigging a Skater 24 w/twin 2.5's
- Quartershots ?????
- looper tuner
- Flat Out Stuff
- New to the forum
- New to the forum
- Challenger Tunnel Bassboat
- 1988 Hydro Valero YT
- 19 Daytona 2.5 Merc
- Project V.E.C.T.O.R
- A Fishin' Boat !!
- 24' Sonic w/twin 250 OMC Ocean Pro's
- Project Vector/FrankenRude
- Checkmate 21' Starflite
- My project
- 1988 Apache Scout
- very rare hydrostream
- Setup for Mirage ???
- laser owners
- Carlson look alike
- hey mike
- '89 Virage Turbo Stage III hull W/modified 2.5 EFI (260)
- V8 on a stv euro
- To Cone, or Not to Cone?
- Rigs to date:
- ckeck mate questions
- What is the best setup for a Skater 28
- 88' Activator 22 winter project.
- rare hydrostream part1
- my toy
- Way way way back.....
- Allison Hook
- Allison master power switch
- Skater 28 - any exeriences?
- Another way back Quiz
- center pod tunnel hull mini
- My Youngblood
- Stratos tunnel Vee
- 21 Checkmate/2.5 245 carb setup help
- 16' Raveau/1500XS Rig
- A-salt-weapon
- 1999 Triad V21
- 18' Winner with 1984 150 Mercury
- How do I rig this Fliver see pic
- ss-2000
- Super Sport!
- Jackplates and a few other questions
- Hey all !! just bought a Checkmate
- Speedometer Woes
- lowerunit!!!!????
- Another Hyrdostream project!!!!!
- 2002 with a 2.5 drag
- 103mph 1962 PowerCat
- 27-30 Pitch?
- Skater 25
- '95 Checkmate 2100BR / 1995 225 Promax
- Valero yt
- for sale hydrostream
- This year's FEHydro racer (6 cylinder)
- need help picking a prop
- ???Can you identify my boat???
- and
- need idea for trim sending unit 2.5 offshore
- can i put svs on 2.5 offshore
- Is there anything that can be done to a Yamaha Pro 50
- Prop For Baja Hammer
- Hydro Stream Virage
- Damsel in distress
- Challenger/Super Boat Transom Woes
- Need help. Going the wrong direction.
- Mounting the Engine - err Engine Mounting.
- How much Setback??????
- Two 2.4s on a hydro valero?
- looking for Johnson Formula one v8
- Bassboat prop selection...
- Charger SV / 200 EFI set up for water skiing
- Finding the "right" prop for my tunnel
- Prop choice
- Checkmate fuel tank
- Voodoo engine height
- opposing or same side dual cable
- eng. height
- Triton Tr-21 PDC
- Prop choice
- how fast does it go
- BOW is stamping up and down into water
- Yamaha Fuel Management System
- bad day at bad rock...and setup questions
- Egine Height and trim use
- Too Sloooowwww! HELP!
- Wrong Prop????
- Valaro engine height
- Hydraulic lift
- Jackplate
- spun at prop question!
- Proper rigging order of operations for Vector
- i need help please
- Propping a 2002 with a Merc drag.
- Proper Set Up
- exhaust porting
- Velaro YT with 260 Merc
- OK Mirage owners
- need help for setup on vegasxt
- hydraulic system
- Porpoising like a BAD BOY! Any suggestions??
- Need Help!! on Ventura II model.
- bracketed outboard,popousing problem, Need help
- 91' Seebold Warrior setup?
- Bravo 30 and 300X
- altitude
- any RE 3 users?
- 13' V Hull, 55HP OMC - Need Help!!!
- Height of pad? What effect does it have?
- weight distribution?
- throttle and gearn cables
- Javelin R18
- Winter project
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