Background: Very clean 96 Barefoot Sanger with 200 EFI bought intending to clean and tune has turned into a ground up rebuild upgrade. Gonna be a ski...
I have been looking for a lightweight cowl for a while now. I finally found one. A very rare Formula 1. It's really cool but it needs some work. The...
OK, we all know Sea Star fluid is around $30/qt + shipping for those of us in the boonies.
The Sea Star MSDS states the product is a High VI, ISO 15...
Which is better? A 2.5 200 with a stator or a later 2.5 200 with an alternator? Both standard production motors. What is on with an alternator worth...
I have a 1984 200 that I have bolted on a one piece 2.4 exhaust plate. I have had no issues with this set up but have lower water preasure like this....